Episode Enyo, nestled within the Quake engine like a cyberpunk gem, isn’t just a mod – it’s an enthralling prequel experience that injects fresh adrenaline into the classic fast-paced shooter. Slipping into the sleek combat boots of Enyo, an elite assassin with vengeance on her mind, the game whisks you on a five-level odyssey through neon-drenched factories, treacherous spacewalks, and Khan-guarded fortresses. Buckle up, it’s gonna be a blast.

Gameplay: Quake Refined, Enyo Unchained

Enyo inherits Quake’s DNA, but amplifies its lethality. The familiar dance of strafe-jumping, rocket-launcher salvos, and plasma-rifle bursts remains, but Enyo’s arsenal boasts unique toys. The Wrist Razor carves through enemies like butter, and the Arc Mine paints stunning death-defying paths through hordes. Mastering these tools feels exhilarating, transforming you from a skilled shooter into a lethal dance of destruction.

But Enyo isn’t just about brute force. Environmental puzzles, platforming challenges, and strategic enemy placement demand tactical thinking. You’ll grapple across chasms, deactivate force fields, and lure enemies into environmental traps, ensuring no two levels feel the same.

Story: A Prequel Punch That Packs a Wallop

Episode Enyo takes place before the events of Slave Zero X, and what a satisfying backstory it weaves! We glimpse the events that shaped Enyo into the cold, calculated killer we’ll encounter later. Witnessing her fall from grace, her ruthless efficiency tinged with fleeting moments of vulnerability, adds depth and complexity to her character. The narrative, delivered through data files and environmental storytelling, is lean but impactful, leaving you hungry to dive into the main game.

Presentation: Cyberpunk Splendor Meets Quake Grit

Enyo’s world oozes atmosphere. Grungy industrial complexes bathed in neon, claustrophobic space shuttles buzzing with wires, and Khan’s oppressive fortresses – each level is a visual feast. The soundtrack throbs with synth-heavy electronica, perfectly complementing the fast-paced action and pulsing with cyberpunk vibes. Even the Quake engine, with its gritty textures and chunky models, lends a unique charm, blending seamlessly with the cyberpunk aesthetic.

Verdict: A Must-Play for Quake and Sci-Fi Fans Alike

Episode Enyo is a triumph. It injects fresh energy into the Quake formula, crafting a compelling prequel story and packing its levels with tight combat, clever puzzles, and a killer atmosphere. Whether you’re a die-hard Quake veteran or a cyberpunk enthusiast, Enyo is a must-download. Just be warned – one taste of this lethal shooter, and you’ll be begging for more.


  • Fast-paced and satisfying Quake combat with Enyo’s unique twist
  • Varied level design with puzzles, platforming, and strategic enemy placement
  • Engaging prequel story that adds depth to Enyo’s character
  • Cyberpunk-infused atmosphere with stunning visuals and a fitting soundtrack
  • Free to play!


  • Can be short for players craving a lengthy campaign

Overall Rating: 9/10 – A killer prequel, a stunning shooter, and a free gift to the gaming world. Don’t miss it!

(A note you can download the mod/campaign for FREE via the add-on tab within your Bethesda version of Quake.)
Or if you are a rebel, a link for the core episode here: https://www.moddb.com/mods/slave-zero-x-episode-enyo

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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