Developer: Spellbound(Black Forest Games) . Nordic Games
Publishers: Nordic Games GmbH, DreamCatcher Interactive
Price: $29.99
Where to buy?: PSN

The Gothic series is claimed by man to be the best RPG series in existence. Now, many will either agree or disagree to that point, which is not why I am stating it. The point is many feel Arcania is Gothic 4. It’s not, shame to say at the end of the day. However, it does have many familiar elements that will keep RPG veterans happy as well as a new story that will keep you busy as you travel the world of Feshyr.


Your story starts as you are a Shepard or something similar who is trying to woo his girlfriend. After talking to the girls father he presents you with three trials that once passed, will allow you to get his blessing to be married. Sure enough however, certain events transpire that send your hero into action, on a lengthy quest that will will serve to make him grow stronger, and seek revenge on those who have wronged him. About as deep as I will go into the story, to avoid spoilers of course. While there is a story, it felt like there was no emotion involved at all. While this is a rework of a game that is a few years old, some extra emotion into the story would have been nice. The story itself took me around 15 hours to complete, and I feel I missed a lot of things in the process. The game certainly packs a lot of meat on it’s bones in terms of content. I could see a normal player getting 50+ hours easily in Arcania.

Graphically the game looks like a previous gen title on the xbox 360 or PS3. Not saying that this is bad, just giving a better idea of what to expect. The terrible downside to the game graphically is how every NPC almost looks alike, or does not look right at all. Ivy, a character you meet at the very start of the game, has lips that are drawn almost entirely on her whole face. While there are a few decent NPC models to be found in the game, most look like they are part of one very big family. While funny at first, I found the charm to wear off near the end of the game. Anytime I was treated to a new NPC model I was delighted. I feel those shouldn’t be the goals for your game.


Thankfully the soundtrack fares far better. Very atmospheric tunes, as well as well timed sound effects make the audio in Arcania: The Complete Tale a enjoyable experience for me. I have always felt a good soundtrack can nullify a lot of a games shortcomings, and I feel Arcania is a good example. From the soothing tunes of the forest, to the more traditional war time music you are accustomed to during battle, Arcania has you covered.

Considering this game is a remaster of the original, I went and looked for videos and other media on the internet to give me an idea of what the upgrades are for this version. Frame rate has been increased noticeably, as well as drawing distance. The pop in is still noticeable in wide open areas, as I noticed plenty of trees, rocks, and mountains appear and disappear while moving. Not a major gripe, but one that happened enough to warrant putting in the review. While I couldn’t tell enough to be certain, it also feels the combat has been given a little overhaul, adjusting the timing of your weapons and abilities. The improvements are enough to give the nod to Arcania: The Complete Tale if you want a better experience, but do not expect to be blown away with tons of improvements. It is still the same Arcania game, but given tweaks. Overall for 30 dollars, you cannot go wrong with Arcania: The Complete Tale on PS4. You are getting easily a 50+ hour game, with plenty to do and see. You are spending around 60 cents an hour of gameplay, that is enjoyable enough to keep going. While the game may be a little linear at times, there is enough content to keep you coming back for more.

Basically, if you like a good revenge tale, pick this game up.




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