
With rumors circulating that HTC may be looking at an update to the HTC One that includes a plastic body, the name “Zara” has surfaced as a plastic-bodied device. The new name surfaced when HTC indicated they were planning to release some new models during Q3 2013, including the T6 and the Zara. The T6 is believed to be the HTC One Max, a phablet type device sporting a 5.9-inch screen that previous rumors pegged for a Q3 release.

The question is whether Zara is a reference to a completely new device or possibly a code name for some other HTC device, like the HTC One. As we previously reported, HTC started using several codenames for their devices in an effort to throw off leaks, so Zara may just be part of that strategy.

source: China Times
via: PocketNow

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