YouTube Comments

Since Google’s acquisition of YouTube ages ago, it hasn’t seen an insane Google takeover in terms of design and features until relatively recently when Google+ profiles began merging with YouTube usernames. This week, Google is going to be changing things up a bit more as YouTube comments will change from those that are the most “recent” to those that are most “relevant.” We must not forget that Google is a search engine, of course, focusing on high-quality results— this business model has crossed over to nearly all of their products in recent years, and is expected to continue in the future. It has been successful, after all.

So, what does “relevant” mean when you’re talking about a YouTube video? We’re talking about full-on Google+ integration here with your circles. Comments from your Google+ friends will appear at the top of the comments section on videos, so that you can reply, engaging in meaningful conversation with people that you actually know. I’m sure Google looked long and hard at all the terrible things going on in the comments section on videos, including full-fledged arguments, name-calling, and outright stupidity. Rarely have I seen a meaningful and intelligent debate on a YouTube video regarding a serious topic. Maybe (probably not) this will change things.

Here’s the list of changes provided by the YouTube team in a recent blog post.

  • Comments you care about move to the top: You’ll see posts at the top of the list from the video’s creator, popular personalities, engaged discussions about the video, and people in your Google+ Circles.

  • Join the conversation publicly or privately: You can choose to start a conversation so that it is seen by everyone on YouTube and Google+, only people in your Circles or just your bestie. Like Gmail, replies are threaded so you can easily follow conversations.

  • Better ways to moderate comments: You have new tools to review comments before they’re posted, block certain words or save time by auto-approving comments from certain fans. These can help you spend less time moderating, and more time sharing videos and connecting with your fans.

Source: YouTube Blog

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