Source says Microsoft currently testing Siri-like feature for next-gen platform and mode that allows friends to take over gameplay.


A new report today claims the Xbox One has more features than Microsoft showed off during the system’s announcement earlier this week. Polygon has heard from a source that the next-generation platform will be able to speak and has an option to allow friends to take over gameplay.

The source claimed that the Xbox One’s integrated Kinect camera is capable of scanning a room and using its facial recognition software to detect foreign users. If Kinect detects someone it does not recognize, it then audibly asks this person to identify themselves. Once this is done, the Kinect saves the information to the console, according to the report.

This technology, should it be real, allows the Xbox One to work in much the same way as the Siri artificial intelligence found on Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch products. Voice technology may not be available for the Xbox One launch, the source said, noting it could be added via a post-launch patch “within the first few months.”

Today’s report tallies with a rumor from February that claimed Microsoft was beefing up its voice-recognition technology for the next Xbox. This report also specifically mentioned the new technology being similar to Siri.

Polygon also reports today that players will reportedly be able to Skype a friend and allow them to take over gameplay. This feature is reportedly being designed as a means to assist players who get stuck in a section of a game and want help.

In the scenario reported on by Polygon, once the second player assumed control of the game, the first player could watch the game unfold. This remote play can be ended at any time, the report claims. It is not clear if both players must own the game in question, how long remote play can last, or which player would receive achievements for tasks completed.

The PlayStation 4 boasts a similar feature. Powered by Gaikai, the technology allows players to ask a friend to take over their game. Sony has yet to give more specific details on how exactly this will work.

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Xbox One can talk – Report” was posted by Eddie Makuch on Fri, 24 May 2013 10:18:14 -0700

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