Developer: Tribute Games

Publisher: Beatshapers

Price: 3.99

Release Date: July 24th. Out Now!

Reviewed on: PS3/PSP

Also on: Steam, Xbox 360, iOS


Breakout has met its maker after a few years. Of course its maker is Wizorb. Offering to us some pretty impressive fluid artwork in the sprites. Being a retro gamer you can appreciate the work behind these games. Being a new generation gamer on the other hand might have the picky side head on. The game itself handles like a Breakout game. Also add in the RPG elements. Where you upgrade/ fix your town. Think Dark Cloud, however without the tacky characters.

The game is vast among 12 sections. By sections rather then levels I mean a ton of them. I hope you have your marathon shoes on because boy these levels will give you impressive calves. Within the core game play you are given bright and colorful enemies to bounce your ball across to defeat. With that noted I came across a few problems which I will go over now then give you the summery of this gem of a game.

The controls, while they work for what they are, they also are a bit slow in responsive nature. I have played a ton of classic break out games in my time and it was always about paddle to ball hand eye without delay or it was game over. The game per-say works in this. However, I felt as if the paddles speed could be tweaked to be more fluid. Past that not a game breaker for me. Nest is the length of each section. I fully understand cramming a game with content. But also you need to pace the costumer as well to keep them without ripping there hair out too.

The town you visit to work on your characters progress is pretty effective. With all the towns people moping around til you help them repair there shops adds to the tension to “get things done”. Sorry Bowie moment. The little touches of humor here and there adds a large measurement of flavor to this pack of gum.


The bosses are large, and actually pretty fun to battle. The concept is about the same as you progress through the story. You bounce your ball, juggling to make sure you can land your hits. The bosses are all set with patterns. So you assume keep on your toes. All of which have life bars. You gotta keep track of these things you know!

In closing this is a rather long winded game. Offering plenty to do in the game, while might be straining to fans who are somewhat casual to the concept of breaking blocks with a paddle and a ball. However if you love this kinda thing of being challenged and can overcome a few set backs this game is a bargain in the elements of Arcade and RPGs. Get it!



By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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