Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls
The Shadow of the Red Sister
A fresh new bit of content coming from the computers of XSEED games is well some DLC. As most are aware of Wizardry it is a well cult classic among gamers. As such it also has its challenge of constructing a party, going into a dark location, getting some experience points, and reaping the benefits. This bit of content opens a little into a Eastern theme, offering a new NPC that adds to the games already interesting story plot that it unfolds to you. As such over 25 more monsters were added and a deeper location in the “Shiin’s Dungeon”. Now the major question is is this extra content worth the 8 dollars?

Well with simple length and the extra equipment to play with, we can safely say, it was all a very welcomed touch to the already deep game. While the game is already difficult, those with Wizardry experience will get a very well earned challenge with this add on. The gear you get is pretty nice as most of it has a Asian Eastern theme to it as I mentioned before. Featuring some ninja stars among some other broad weapons that you will just have to get the content for yourself to find out. The monsters hit like a truck, but hey for extra endgame content, you better expect something to hurt you as you explore into the deeper depths and get better loot.

In Closing: While some most likely will just get the core game and let this one slide, we will assure you, you will not be disappointed by the over all package of this product. The most costly of the building DLC for Wizardry, the extra length will measure from your pocket to your gamepad. We over all enjoyed this extra snip-bit of game play offered and will sit back and wait for some more down the road.

9.5 Is the Final Score for this DLC.

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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