(THEY PLAYED AND HE LOST!) (Video and description provided by youtube.com/JessicaInYourDreams) Loser of the Day Gamer Tag: II outcold II This is yet another loser that saw a video of a girl gamer on youtube. As many insecure losers this noob doesn’t like the fact that a girl plays games so he wants to prove his manhood and 1v1 her. I mean come on, what else can he do? When a guy that is this big of a loser sees a girl that is better than him, his primal instincts kick in and he has to prove himself to…well…himself. Because deep down all losers like this know just how big of a loser he is. In fact the idiot probably thought something like: “Duh…oh no a girl plays games. She better than me? …nuh uh! I must beat’est her…dur…or…uh me no man. Me just a poor dumb retard that get made fun of in school by girls. The short yeller (notice yeller not yellow) bus is sooooooo lonely. Boo whoooo will I ever find true luv.” Then he cries while he signs into XBOX LIVE to send a girl gamer a message. So let’s get this straight. The loser sends like 30 messages trying to get her attention. So Cara (Aww its Cara) tries to get him to say the following in a voice message so we can play it before the video when we upload it to youtube to publicly embarrass him: “Cara is god and I love her so much. I am a loser and girls do not like me.” Or something like that. It was pretty long. The idiot was suppose to send a voice message but the best he did was send a text message with the
By Scuttlebug
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