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This week’s question is:

What is your all-time favorite video game quote?

Video games can oftentimes be a medium that delivers the most memorable dialogue. Be it from a game you love or absolutely hate, what’s your favorite quote from a video game? Here’s some of our top personal picks.

Sunset Riders, Last Alert, and much more. | Rob Crossley

In my search for some profound video game quotes, or at least something as cool as quips from films and books, I found absolutely nothing. However, a quick search in the other direction–for quotes so bad that they’re kind of awesome–came up with dozens of candidates. Among the best: Sunset Riders’ “Bury Me With My Money“, Castlevania’s “What is a man“, and of course this all-time classic from Barry in Resident Evil: “You were almost a Jill sandwich.” But it’ll be hard to find anything as glorious as this thoroughly nonsensical quip from Last Alert: “People will hate you, Steve, if you’re too sting-ee.”

Metal Gear Solid | Daniel Hindes

​”Do you think love can bloom, even on a battlefield?” Said by Otacon to Snake in what is probably the most melodramatic moment of the first Metal Gear Solid, the quote perfectly encapsulates the tone of the entire game, and how it walks a fine line between seriousness and silliness.

Metal Gear Solid (1998)

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night | Peter Brown

Dracula: It was not by my hand I was once again given flesh. I was brought here by humans who wished to be me tribute!

Richter: Tribute!? You steal men’s souls, and make them your slaves!

Dracula: Perhaps the same could be said of all religions…

Psychonauts and The Longest Journey | Kevin VanOrd

It must be this one from Psychonauts. Dogen: What do you think’s wrong with my brain, doctor? Dr. Loboto: How should I know? I’m a dentist.

On a more serious note, I’d like to add this one, slightly modified to make better sense, from The Longest Journey. “Life, even when difficult and painful, is a gift. Love is priceless, and rare, and precious. Every good action, every good thought, counts.”

Psychonauts (2005)

Fable II | Eddie Makuch

“And so our story begins.” That line is stuck in my memory thanks to Fable II. Theresa says it to open the game, and it’s repeated every time you boot up. Now I want to play Fable II again…

Bloodborne and 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand | Chris Watters

“May you find your worth in the waking world.” This parting blessing from the Doll in Bloodborne is both consoling and motivating, a balm and goad all in one. I want to adopt this as a farewell in my actual life.

“Oh, I do all my banking online.” This is an actual retort spoken by 50 Cent in 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand.

Bloodborne (2015)

Full Throttle | Edmond Tran

“Whenever I smell asphalt, I think of Maureen…” – Ben, Full Throttle. The opening monologues of my most cherished games usually bring a tear to my eye every time I hear them, and that’s one of them. Another is the Fallout 1 version of the “War… War Never Changes” monologue. I never would’ve guessed how iconic that line became. I love those games.

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