
Welcome to the New 1UP.com

1UP celebrates its 7th birthday with a full site re-launch! Some words about it.

By Sam Kennedy

I’m very pleased today to welcome everyone to the brand new 1UP.com, released on the 7th anniversary of the original launch of 1UP. This has been a long time coming, and I want to give everyone a little overview of what we did with it but also give a little context about what this re-launch represents.

Most likely you’ve already noticed the visual redesign — regular visitors will immediately see what we’ve done to improve our look and navigation. We spent a lot of time observing and researching how gamers use sites and seek information in an attempt to really streamline things and deliver a far more accessible experience. But underneath the new look are all sorts of enhancements to our community, from a whole new page dedicated to the community to a new trivia engine for people to challenge each other. We’ve also entered into a partnership with Raptr to start connecting 1UP to the games people are playing (much more to come on this in the next few months) as well as upgraded user profiles with personalized skins and comment boards.

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