Weekly Staff Picks: Little/Big Heroes

Up to 80% off adventures taken by unlikely heroes like Dust: An Elysian Tail, Little Big Adventure, Banner Saga, Armikrog, and more!

Some tales are epic because the stakes are high and an entire kingdom, planet, or even galaxy hangs in the balance. But others are epic just because your hero is facing overwhelming odds, fighting for what they hold dear in their own little corners of the world. Games celebrate Little/Big Heroes all the time, but now we’re putting some of the most unlikely ones under the spotlight and under a -80% discount that will help break the ice!

Meet Dust: An Elysian Tail. He’s lost his memory but not his impressive fighting skills. Can he correct the wrongs of the past and help restore some peace to this beautiful land, full of action/platforming challenges? His chatty Nimbat companion sure thinks so!

Is it the dreamlike story? The surreal atmosphere? The puzzles that tickle your most imaginative bone? There’s just something truly magical about Little Big Adventure that makes the journey feel both epic and entirely personal. And that music! Oh man.

You need to be tougher, smarter, and more forward-thinking than the desert mutants, marauders, and cyborgs, because Skyshine’s BEDLAM only offers salvation to those who can master the turn-based battle tactics and gruesome decision-making required to survive.

No matter their quest or its outcome, our Little/Big Heroes promise to take you through the most exciting adventures: Banner Saga, Armikrog, Little Big Adventure, and more!
The promo will last until August 26, 9:59 AM UTC.

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