Up to 75% off Hatoful Boyfriend, Long Live the Queen, Always Sometimes Monsters and more!

Weekly Staff Picks: Artificial Life is our selection of video-game takes on digital life and virtual lives. Because there’s nothing quite like getting a do-over for high-school, as a princess no less! Get up to 75% off these four titles:

Hatoful Boyfriend is the avian dating-sim on the market today. You’re the only human student in a school for talented birds in this unmistakably Japanese, delightfully quirky visual novel. Ah, to be young and in love (with a bird) again! But there is more to life than high-school drama – Long Live the Queen is a deceptively cute thriller of politics, hate, and violence. If you think the life of a princess is full of bliss, ballroom dancing and ponies you’re in for a surprise. Most games are there to take us far away into fantastic and thrilling adventures, but perhaps the trappings of everyday life are the greatest quest of all? Always Sometimes Monsters is a title that tackles the very problems you, or anyone, can face every single day. Finally, there is Darwinia and Multiwinia, a visually simple but intriguing set of strategy games, in which the fate of an entire race of digital-life forms rests in your hands.

Put your own troubles on the backburner, welcome to your shiny, new Artificial Life The promo will last until Thursday, April 2, at 9:59 AM GMT.

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