Get Aarklash Legacy, Fahrenheit, Another World, and more French gems up to 75% off. goes 100% French today, as we launch our first store localization rolling out with complete customer support! To celebrate we offer you a true French-made masterpiece “Little Big Adventure” for FREE for the next 24 hours, and the “Vive la France” promo, featuring 30 titles developed or published by the French.

What’s in the lineup, you ask? You should definitely check out Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy), a paranormal sci-fi mystery with unique, movie-like gameplay. There is nothing quite like Another World, an action-adventure classic from the early 90s that opened up an entire chapter in the history of gaming. Looking for something newer? Aarklash Legacy is one of the best combat-oriented tactical RPGs ever made, full of intense battles and interesting interconnections between the members of your party.

There is more! For the next 24 hours (that is until Saturday, November 8, at 7:59AM GMT), we’re giving away a dear French-made classic, Little Big Adventure for FREE a game that’s seeing its 20th anniversary! Remember to sign-up for your free copy and celebrate the event with us, and play one of the many memorable oldies coming from France.

Head over to the promo page to check the full promo lineup. The promo lasts until Tuesday, November 11, at 4:59AM GMT.

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