Get Fallout series, Descent series, MDK, Kingpin, Redneck Rampage and many, many more stunning Interplay classics 50% off!

This weekend, we get back to the basics with our Entertaining Interplay Promo! Looking at this vast selection of classic titles one can’t help but to ask: why are some of these still missing from my collection? Almost everything in this promo is a must-have for every classic PC-gaming enthusiast. Luckily you can grab everything you were missing with a 50% off discount this weekend. Let’s take a look at some of the half-priced gems, shall we?

It’s only $4.99 for each of the classic post-apocalyptic RPG, Fallout. That will leave you with enough bottle-caps to grab yourself a nuka-cola later. In the same price you can get the games from the Descent series. In this case, you should probably invest the money you save into some vertigo medicine. And speaking of vertigo, a game that starts off with a sequence of stratosphere free-fall and explodes into an orgy of bullets and badassery, MDK is available for only $2.99. Get into the action!

That’s only a few of 34 Interplay games you can get 50% off this weekend. Make sure to navigate to the Promo Page, to see the whole robust selection. The promo lasts until Tuesday, October 8, at 9:59AM GMT.

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