The release of the Goblins Vs Gnomes expansion has infused Hearthstone with numerous minions and spells that have a random element attached, and perhaps the most significant of them all is Sneed’s Old Shredder; an eight-mana Mech who drops a random legendary card upon his death.

Beware the bitter parting shot of Sneed’s Old Shredder

That means one of 62 possible Legendary cards will drop onto the board once Sneed ascends to the big scrapheap in the sky, with players praying that the replacement minion parachuted down won’t be something horrendous such as Tinkmaster Overspark.

Without a doubt, the best card of them all to drop in this case is Kel’thuzad, the witty-yet-infuriating final boss from the Naxxramas expansion, whose special ability is to resurrect other minions that have died during the same turn. Sneed dropping Kel’thuzad means Sneed returns to the board, meaning he can drop another random legendary once he dies again, ad infinitum until Kel’thuzad himself is dispatched.

But what are the chances that a resurrected Sneed would drop another Kel’thuzad upon his second death? Why, that’s one-in-3844 (62 multiplied by 62, arithmetic fans). And what if, by some sadistic spell concocted by the Hearthstone RNG Gods, that a Sneed could drop a third Kel’thuzard in a row?

That would be one-in-238,000, which, as one Reddit user points out, is 17 times less likely than being struck by lightning.

Could such a feat ever happen? It already has. Watch the video above and set your faces to stunned. Even if you know little to nothing about Hearthstone, you’ll adore the reactions from the commentary team.

Love Hearthstone? Be sure to check out our recent interview with the game’s co-creator, Ben Brode.

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