Developer: Fatshark

Publisher: Fatshark

Genre: FPS, Co-Op

Release Date: Oct 23rd, 2015

Platforms: PC (XBOX One, and PS4 coming soon?)

Price: $ 29.99
Where to buy: Steam

Loosely based off of the Warhammer table top games, Warhammer End Times Vermintide gives you a light theme of those said games. However provides its own spin on the series with a end of the world like element. Rather then the stack of Orks or Chaos, you are given Ratmen-kin who simply want to kill you then eat you up. Literally. The story is based off of the year 2521. It is off a apocalypse theme that a Twin-tailed comet came forth. The story of End Times is based off five characters. Of which are all playable within a hud tavern like setting. The story itself is pretty deep, but has some good lore around it. The intro the game explains the footnotes, a brief introduction. IF you want to learn more then go here.


End Times is a FPS co-op game with elements of Left 4 Dead, meets a dash of Diablo. It is super easy to pick up in nature. It offers two ways to meet steel with enemies. Close range combat, like with swords, ax’s and hammers. As well as bows, and crossbows. These are all variant per character who offer a different stand out way of gameplay to the other characters. This all is based off the weapons you use. Not to mention you can get Trinkets plus a rare roll at the end of each level to earn loot such as hats. The most you need to worry about starting out is the two weapons, and the first trinket slot. It boils down to mixed gameplay, melee and ranged a lot of the time. The better weapons you get you will feel the benefit of their usage. The flow of each level felt not too overstayed with some simple to follow but tricky to finish objectives. Which with the right group of people can be a blast to do over and over.


Frame rates were usually never a issue for me. I found things chug along fine. Specially with the large amounts of horde of enemies all coming at me and the party I play with. A cool benefit that borrows off of Left 4 Dead is the fact if you are missing a player it will fill in a bot in that slot. Then swap out the bot once a player comes along. The bots themselves are pretty decent for the most part, but do not ask them to revive you, they usually wonder around in derp mode if you take a knee. Otherwise if you have a bot playing as the Bright Witch she somehow has the most overpowered instant cast of fire bolts ever. Please devs do not change the Bright’s instant cast. Hehe. As mentioned above, the characters are different with certain ranged weapons and melee, but also handle the same in terms of controls. So no surprises just about. Each area is broken up into levels with their own themes and objectives. Mostly collecting barrels and defending folks as they do so. Most of it simple team based rule sets. Now this might be a question for some, does it play with a gamepad? Yes and fully well! You can toggle two visual options of PS4, and XBONE hud icons. I use a mapping program to use my PS4 with my PC, because, it is more comfortable for me. Specially as I know more and more of folks who went with a couch to pc set up where their PC is hooked up to a large screen tv.  I decided to sit down to try this out. It all worked pretty darn well. So those who sit half way across the room but like to use Steam. This game works fantastic in big screen mode with a gamepad. I  always felt how controls are via more extensive. Sure you can aim pin point, but sometimes people are not into that, just how it is.


The new map pack “Drachenfels” features three new maps within the Grey Mountains. It was released on May 26th, 2016. Retailing at $8.99. These are mostly adventure maps like the others. But offers a darker setting. Visually all looking chilling and fantastic. You play as the normal set cast of characters for this one, along with extra weapons to loot if you become so lucky to roll them. This map pack is pretty freaking fun, if you can find folks who also have the pack. Which is usually a gamble with these sort of games. If you buy DLC maps, most folks play core unless you know a group of three others who own the content. Which is a shame, but I did manage to land a few games to crack on with the content. I sat here the whole time within the Grey Mountains on edge from the previous experiences of the core maps. Making sure I farmed a better set of weapons I wanted to use. Enemies are not anything new for this content. More of the same. Which vary depending on the progression you achieve.


In Closing:

Warhammer: End Times: Vermintide is a blast to play. Featuring short bursts of enjoyment, along with loot farming goodness. It will keep you busy for a while hunting the better loot. With new DLC and weapons coming out, as well as new characters to play. The game itself keeps growing into a charming substitute, if anything a possible replacement for Left 4 Dead if you love the old med-evil setting. I have heard complaints about how off setting the game is from Orks or the Chaos involvement of the game from a few die hard fans. Putting them off with a bias for the title. If you have a open mind and love a game with solid gameplay then this game does the series justice by welcoming another crowd into the world of the table top games, without the overly priced game pieces.  The banter between characters is ever charming and pretty funny at points. Much like how Valve charmed us a while back. Sound and visuals are top notch. The game itself is not really that scary , so folks were put off by any other game like Killing Floor or Left 4 Dead, this will be easier on the old ticker so you can put away that pacer. I would say snag a copy if you need a great simple to pick up and play game. It is easy to understand. As well as challenges you with events along the way. Get it!

Heavily Recommended


By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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