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Warframe from the last time I dug into it has (Still) changed itself, while still staying the same. In many solid, and good ways. Where some of the grinds, do not really feel like work. Unless you are unluckily doing your Relic farming. Since then, I have taken the time to grind a few Warframes from then, taking breaks from the game off and on. I have been then caught up with most of the content, seeing the beautiful depth of the story, and the production behind each themed bit of content. Aside from still missing Lavos, and Caliban. However, from the Warframes I do own, I will try to go over a few of the newish frames I have obtained, and discuss what my impressions are of them. As well as constructive wiggle on them in their value to new, or veteran players; and how well they fare in the Steel Path mode. Which I will talk about with this article. If I can get a hold of Lavos, and Caliban afterward, I will do a follow-up to this said article or update it to the bottom.
From 2019 until now, I grabbed a handful of the Prime versions of the Warframe. In this article, I choose to skip mentioning them this time around as I would just be saying a lot of the prime are just super versions of their original counterparts. As far as content goes, we seen quite a bit of changes in the depth, and its all so awesome. Top quality storytelling for well, free! Unless you whale from time to time on the cash shop, which I do every once in a while if I can afford potatoes (Orokin Reactors and Orokin Catalysts) to upgrade my weapons or gear. Recently I have caught up with the whole Kuva weapon element in the game. Which has you guess a three symbol mini-game that you mercy kill an enemy and if you guess those symbols right, you can ether have a buddy Kuva Lich, or a new weapon. The whole process is long if you do not know what the hell is going on. I figured out once you get the jest of it, you just put the Quill (its a wild card style symbol which can be anything in that slot, which is a life saver) symbol in the middle and guess from there. Then Railjacks was something newer to the game, and I finally managed to build mine and tackle the content. It is a pretty well throughout space shooter style mode which you do on ground missions/space combat, which breathes a lot of life into the game. The right amount of challenge, and fun!
Now the Important part, some of the Warframe I have had a chance to play with, a few that have been given to me. Therefore, I like to give a huge thank you again to Digital Extremes!
Gyre – Came Out: 4/27/2022
Launch a Gyratory Sphere that will deal high damage on impact and periodically deal electrical shocks to nearby enemies. Hit multiple enemies at once with the initial launch to enhance damage.
Coil Horizon
Throw forward a Gyratory Sphere that will implode after a few seconds or can be manually triggered.
Cathode Grace
Gain a brief burst of increased Critical Chance and Energy Regen, with each kill extending duration of Cathode Grace. Casting is on a cooldown.
Gyre’s mechanisms spin at incredible speeds, generating an Electric Field that shocks nearby enemies. When Gyre gets a critical hit, a large electrical discharge will chain from the enemy that was hit to nearby enemies.
A honest to goodness beautiful Warframe. Her graceful personality is outspoken by the texture of her volley of octagon destruct-o bombs of doom. She was released around this recent update/expansion titled Angels of the Zeniman. When I did my usual run through to level her through Hydron. A Defense mission that a lot of people use to grind their weapons, and Warframes. Still to this date it amazes me seeing so many fresh people running through there with classic, and new frames. Seeing many before I had to chance to potato (insert a Orokin Reactor) into her. Which helps double her Mod Capacity. As you most perhaps already know about mods, and or how mods work, I will skip into really how she felt.
Setting her up I needed to do a dry run of her, see what her abilities do. How well she is sturdy around level zero to thirty. I felt I needed more Formas. Which inserted with a certain mod element, reduce the cost of the mod in its respective slot. I have seen myself using the first and second slot very often, when I saw my energy going low I would pop Cathode Grace to refresh my reserves if I felt my energy was running low. She was a more mobile version of a few frames already, but styled in her own fashion. She did not have the requirements like Volt, but offered a huge punch with her electricity discharging on packs of enemies. With her I mixed duration, with strength to really keep her Arcspheres out for a while, while causing a lot of damage. Range seems important to her, but in third place. I might be wrong in the terms of order here. I wanted to get her strength in front and the most invested in it. I have seen great results. Tossing out giant orbs watching enemies all chaining up taking chunks of damage. With my lack of Formas at the moment in her. She still was able to carry fine during missions as long as I was near teammates or I played more carefully. She is a fierce killing machine, however, I made sure to keep her health increased a little bit for survival. Honestly, when I play with her in high-impacted areas I began to feel how glass cannon-like she really is. Deeper into end-game content, your best chance is to tuck yourself into a spot where nothing is going to touch you, or swap between your operator stealth when you can. Given you have the Unairu Focus unlocked. Overall I can say she is amazing, and even without Formas, she can do a lot of damage with medium mods on. Given her style it’s the best investment to fill her out with Formas and toss on a lot of TLC towards the STR department, without hurting her Efficiency. Over time I would strongly suggest if you are a little new to Steel path(New game plus pretty much), bring a crowd with you as you toss in your Arcspheres. With the general mode, she backs a huge punch, and moves impressively fast.

Yareli – Came Out: 7/21/2021
Sea Snares
Form five water globules that seek out enemies and expand on contact, simultaneously damaging and immobilizing their victims.
Summon Merulina, a rideable creature of the waves, and the inspiration for K-Driving. Merulina protects Yareli by absorbing a large portion of incoming damage
Tear through foes with a trio of orbiting aquatic blades.
Drag enemies into a crushing maelstrom and then blow them away in a watery burst. Each enemy trapped in the vortex increases the burst’s damage.
Yareli was a huge surprise to me at first. I usually always feel along the walls with any new frame if I read their passives, abilities, and play styles, then conduct how am I going to play it where it will be grassroots easy. Or how much quality for the end game is in it for me. With Yareli she is one of those more unique frames. Where you use your mount or K drive for the most part, then spam Sea Snares and Riptide until the cows come home. With your mount Merulina, your moving fast as hell, and your spamming the field with snares which as the name suggests holds enemies down. This seems to be a reacquiring theme with some of the more newer frames I tackled. Like with Gyre, I used her number two Coil Horizon, which to also holds down enemies. With that tossing one all day on the enemies to multiply my crit-damage and Regen refresh. Yareli’s case is more so her survival rate is outstanding. Her Merulina K-drive mount gives her up to 75% damage deduction meaning she can be tanky’ and zoom past many enemies. More so her Riptide does quite a bit of water-flavored damage. I suppose crush damage from my guess-ti-mating it. I found late game quite easy with her. Steel Path was very simple, without forma into her. Applying some formas, boosting my mods further she was wrecking everything, and keeping toe to toe with the insanity deeper in. She is great at crowd control, or CC for short. Overall she is an adorably destructive frame that once you get her style down she is so fun to run around maps spamming bubbles like a super-powered mermaid.
Sevagoth – Came Out: April 13th, 2021
Sevagoth’s Shadow flies outward ravaging enemies in his path. Survivors are damaged by Death’s Harvest over time. The souls of the dead fill the Death Well.
Plant a death seed in nearby targets to drain their lifeforce. Reap what has been sown to detonate afflicted enemies, dealing a percentage of their health as radial damage. The souls of the dead fill the Death Well.
Summon a radial pulse wave that ensnares and slows enemies, siphoning their lifeforce for the Death Well. Allies within the wave steal health with each attack.
Exalted Shadow
When the Death Well fills to above 75%, Sevagoth’s Shadow form is ready to be released. Tear the enemy asunder with a collection of Melee-focused Abilities.
Sevagoth’s Shadow (alt form from Exalted Shadow)
Ghostly hands pull enemies into a flailing mass.
Dash through enemies and rip out their souls to heal Shadow.
Death’s Harvest
Inflict nearby enemies with a harrowing condition.
Sevagoth and his Shadow become one.
Sevagoth is one tall glass of water. He is like two frames in one but simply is just one. His survival rate is like that of Inaros. Not so much with the giant pool of hit points, more so with a good mixture of if Valkyr & Chroma had a love child. It’s hard to really pair him up with too many frames, as many do their own thing. Oftentimes, there is only so much until we see repeat skills swapped with de-buff flavoring, or element damage. After spending a few hours with him, guessing him out. I was finding myself wondering if I could suck everything in Kirby and smack everything with my claws. Or do his big-time damage ability Sow. I think between two different frame styles and it does level your head in. Unless you mix and match abilities and just get good at the flow. He is not really a crazy tank. This does not stop me from considering a tanky AoE build, which honestly for him, you need to really focus on his dot damage. I conflict with myself for a good while double guessing myself often. He offers a really fun play style. With a steep curve if players want to dive into Steel Path tier stuff. I would suggest getting really tight with your strongest weapons to bring him in. He is a glass cannon. One powerful one with his Debuff with Death’s Harvest, which that harrowing condition has legs for days!~ I found him enjoyable from the recent spread of frames. At least recent for myself. As he did come out last year and is considered older to many. I did not hate him, but I found myself using a Gyre, or Yareli more often in this case. It was not about his damage or whatnot. I felt not as much wishing to swap out so often with his alter warframe egos. I fell in love with his story though. It was a nice touch through the Railjack storyline. Showing us how he worked, teasing his awesome lift stealing powers against Corpus bums. I think from that presentation I was on cloud nine. I like him, but would not really use him as much, other then to just do so.
With my story still going strong in Warframe, I find it still dazzling the things I thought I knew, but become new surprises. You ask, “what do you mean?” When I have seen players running about with the Kuva weapons, I got confused and excited. I wondered “where they came from?!” The little touches that turn into big new adventures. The thrill of working on something, to keep me busy. Sometimes forgetting the story mode exists until my ADHD catches up to the party. Then I tackle the story with a new arsenal. Other players seeing my big boom boom stick, ask me where I got it from, I explain to them how. The beauty of community, and the actually still pleasant commutation between players. Veteran players, helping newer players without an upset after tone. Or a more formal “go look at google” if the questions pile up to much. From my early access to the game when it was in beta, to now. I can still say this game has not once disappointed me. That is rare in a game that has run as long as this one has to feel happy to see the crew still run along with it, even though their players are now altering to a new exciting project (side note to the developers, I will be your beta test hamster if you let me play it!) *clears thought*
From zooming through space on Railjacks, to Archwinging on a bizarre alien world, with the infested barking at your feet, you find the beauty behind this sci-fi masterpiece of the true term “FREE TO PLAY” Maybe the exception of the few who will say it is not who think some of the pricing of the cosmetics is a bit much. Which, if you can go through the whole game without paying a cent, and can do player-to-player trading to earn platinum for what players want fairly then that is a solid thing. Yes, the whale players who toss hundreds into the game daily truly were never told to, but they do. Why? It is because they want to, from that respect the developers pay to the players by offering the game in its state, completely explorative, exception of some up to three days down times if you try to craft a Warframe, which in then can still be skip-able if you farmed fifty platinum from junk items someone else wants. Subjective arguments or not, the bottom line to the testament of today, with the game across most platforms, as well as the giant community still playing. That sells it to me the game is still a strong workhorse. Whether online games are for you or not, you can not deny the factor the game is keeping itself interesting with constant game style adaptations within game modes, all still housed in the game.