Developer: Other Ocean Interactive

Publisher: Paramount Digital Entertainment

Platform: PSN, XBLA

Genre:Action sidescroller, puzzle

Release Dates: (Out now!)



In this review I am going to be using a new style of journalism. Footnoting expression. I am going to give out some good points and some issues I fund with the game and briefly explain why. This new way of placing out this review can do so many things at once, and make it simple and easy to read through it, understand strong points and weaker points out too much trouble. Expect it for future reviews! Thank you all for your support.


The year is 1953 and Martians have invaded, taking no more than three short days to bring mankind to its knees. We find the protagonist, Arthur Clark, on a train ride from Bristol to London when the Martians began their landing, and he’s quickly thrown into the thick of it when the train crashes at Paddington Station. Arthur must have the best luck in the world, as he survives the crash without a scratch and sets out into London to reunite with his now-missing wife and child. The controls are much like Another World.


+ + + Bold art style:

Looking much like a retro game on steroids, was pleasant and fantastic to the eyes.

+ + + + +Patrick Stewart:

He is the main focus that sells the depth of this game reading to the player the story as it goes along reminds us, that we need to go and purchase any read along books that is Star Trek based.

++ Controls need work:

While I was used to this, the controls did not feel responsive and at times, against me.


+ + + +Good paced level design much like Another World, but not as perfect:

I for one know good design in levels, such as puzzle plat-formers. While some points to this felt flawed, it was still testing and gave a nice trial and error.


Closing thoughts:


While a good game, it has its flaws here and there, but worth the valve if you like plat-formers. We recommend this title for all those who enjoy Patrick Freakin’ Stewart!

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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