vridniX Brings his Sass to Steam

By: GeekyGamerGirl87



Developer: Uncanaut
Publisher: Deck 13
Genre: Runner Platform
Release Date: August 16, 2018
Platforms: PC
Price: $9.99 USD
Where to buy: Steam

vridniX is not your typical platformer and this is definitely not one of those games for kiddos. However, if you are into crude humor and aliens with attitude, then vridniX is a platformer that is right for you. Developed by Uncanaut and published by Deck 13 vridniX is a continuous runner platformer that is down right hilarious and also pretty fun. The game reminded me a bit of Super Meatboy. Therefore, if you are a fan of that game you will more than likely love this game as well. When I first saw screenshots of vridniX, I was interested because of how well designed the game was. Upon playing the game I was impressed by the game’s story, how well it played, and how well the music was done. However, before I begin my review; I would like to take the time to thank both Uncanaut and Deck 13 for providing me with a free copy of the game to play and review.

As I stated before you will be playing as vridniX, a highly offensive insensitive crude Naqq – who is the only one of his kind – who lives on the planet Neta-Vark ;which is the home to the Wamnis. VridniX is obsessed with his own self-proclaimed purpose of being a hero. One day after rage quitting a game (which I thought was hilariously done perfectly) vridniX  sees that the Trogogluces are invading the planet on the news. Apparently, the Trogogluxes – who get enjoyment out of wiping out entire species – has tried wiping out the Wamnis once before. The only way to defeat them is to turn on a switch. Which vridniX plans to do way before Herayin, the Guardian of the Wamnis. Sadly, for vridniX he has a tendency of doing more harm than good, which does not sit right with some of the Wamnis.

Although it seems that everyone hates him, there are a few Wamnis that don’t think that vridniX is a bad guy. There is his buddy Venn, a really chill and laid back Wamnis who believes in vridniX or think he’s probably delusional. It’s hard to tell because he’s chill and laid back and at times will take shots at vridniX. However, Venn still does take the time to help vridniX by calling him on his cellphone to give him warnings and sometimes tips. Then there is Vibel, a little girl Wamnis who vridniX saves and is also one of vridniX’s fans. Other than that, it seems like majority of the time the Wamnis hate him, and he just simply can’t get a break with them. However, since he destroys the city quite often the other Wamnis want vridniX to be capture and brought to trial for his “crimes” against the planet.

In terms of gameplay you will be continuously running, upon colliding with an object you will switch directions. The game is fast paced so you really have to pay attention to detail. You can also switch directions by pressing left or right. Let me also just take the time to say that the soundtrack for vridniX is fantastic! I would love to get my hands on the soundtrack for it as I would listen to it throughout my day. The music makes me feel very good about the game. In terms of the controls for the game, you have the option to use keyboard or gamepad. I did try the game with both controls and I can say that with this game using either or is perfectly fine. I preferred the controller over the keyboard controls. As I prefer to play these types of platformers with the controller.  The controller just felt natural, but if you don’t have a controller you will also enjoy playing with the keyboard. Playing with the keyboard may also add an additional challenge to the game, in turns of getting vridniX to turn the other direction.

There was one thing that did at first bother me with the continuous running. However, after playing the game it started to make sense to me why this one mechanic was in the game. Sometimes when you are running as vridniX there will be important conversations going on and he will simply just run past them. At first, I was really annoyed with the fact that he did that. Then I remember how he is a bit self-absorbed and focus on his self-proclaimed task at hand. So, then instead of being annoyed; I actually felt it added to the humor of the story and game. Almost like vridniX was saying, “I don’t have time for silly conversations. I’m trying to save a planet.” Ideally, if you do want to read the conversations that he might run past all you have to simply do is run back and forth until the conversation ends.  However, in the same token there is also times when vridniX will start monologuing and will not be paying attention to the situation at hand. I also fell victim to him not paying attention as I found myself paying too much attention to the storyline and found myself to get attacked causing me to die. It was then that after I died I realize that I should get out of dodge so to speak.

If you are looking for a game that is difficult and provides a challenge this game does just that. Due to the continuous running it is a little difficult at times to stop vridniX from running off into the grass –which is the same as running into spikes— or the world changing orb for some of the levels. However, fear not because the game does offer unlimited lives. Therefore, even if you die you will just come back to life. Another thing is there are no checkpoints on the levels, so if you die you start at the beginning of that level. Something I also wanted to point out is that the game does autosave. Now I know you as the reader must be thinking, “Oh okay, that’s nothing new.” You’re right it really isn’t, but I thought I would mention that the game autosaves except on the final boss, and the game itself will also let you know this. I thought this was cool that the game tells you this too.

There is a total of twenty-two achievements for the game. Again, the game is challenging so if you are one of those achievement hunters who enjoys a challenge then I also recommend the game for you as well. There are no trading cards for the game yet, I imagine that they will come later depending on how well the game does.  I hope it does do well, because although I don’t normally collect trading cards. There are a few rare times in which I will want all the trading cards to a game.  One thing that also surprised me is that vridniX is only available on PC. Not that this is really a bad thing per say. Personally, I feel that the game would do well on consoles, and I imagine if the game sells well on Steam then we could very well see console ports in the future. I am also shocked that there is no speed run mode on this game as well. I think that this is a game that people would try to speed run, if given the opportunity. So, if you’re a speed runner, this game could also fit for you as well.

When it comes to vridniX, I recommend it if you have or like crude humor. If you are easily offended this is not a game for you, and this is also not the game for the kids. I can’t say it enough, so I will say it again. Although, it looks cartoonish please be warned this is not a game for kids. If you would like to play vridniX for yourself, you can do so by purchasing the game on Steam for $9.99 USD.

For those of you who would like to see a gameplay video of the game. I have attached my gameplay video here. There is no voice-over just the gameplay, as I have written a review for the game.



By Ready Sets Gaming

Ready Sets Gaming is a variety streamer on Twitch with a love and passion for indie games. She has been gaming for 30+ years; and feels that a lot of indie games go back to the games that she grew up with and aren't afraid to think outside of the box to make a game. It is because of this thought process that she prefers to play a majority of indie titles, but still likes to play Triple-A titles and Retro games too. She enjoys searching through itch.io platform and looking for games that are stream friendly, and then playing them on stream to get them the exposure they may not be getting. Some of her favorite game genres include Platformers, Puzzlers, Role-Playing and she's recently developed a loved for Shmups.

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