Facebook Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg thinks that virtual reality is still in its early stages of development, but that it could replace our smartphones and computers in the future.

“You guys all remember the first mobile phones were terrible, and that’s kind of the stage where we are now with virtual reality and augmented reality,” Zuckerberg said during a Q&A in Bogotá, Colombia. “It’s extremely early stage and the early stuff is very rough still, but I think that’s going to be a really important trend.”

Zuckerberg added that it could take between 10 to 20 years, but that eventually another computing platform will replace our smartphones and computers.

“We’re really excited about that as well,” he said. “We’re building that with Oculus which I think is by far the leader in virtual reality and it’s going to be very exciting to see how that develops.”

Facebook acquired Oculus Rift maker Oculus VR in March of last year for $2 billion. At CES 2015, Oculus VR’s vice president for product Nate Mitchell said that the company doesn’t know what Oculus Rift’s “killer app” is yet.

In November 2014, Oculus said that the consumer model of the headset is “months, not years” away, and that it will cost between $200 and $400.

You can watch the Q&A in the video below. Zuckerberg starts discussing virtual reality around the 46 minutes in.

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