Gravity Rush

It has not been the most stellar of years for PlayStation Vita, a handheld system that is arguably fighting just to become relevant, let alone stay that way. Sony’s PlayStation Plus service, on the other hand, turned the corner this year and has become an invaluable service for many since the implementation of the Instant Games Collection announced at E3 in June. Plus is now scheduled to land on Vita in less than a week, and while on its own it is unlikely to be a major system-seller, it does look like it’ll provide Sony with another major bullet point for selling Plus subscriptions.

Sony today announced a new Vita firmware update will be released on November 19 bringing the system up to version 2.00. This will introduce some new features like an email app and the ability to transfer content to a PC wirelessly. The latter is something I’ve been hoping for because it will ease the process of sharing Vita screenshots.

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