Publisher: IndiePub
Developer: Strange Loop Games
Platform: PC, Steam

Genre: Puzzle Action
Release Date: 03/01/12


Physics are what bring forth a games world in a light that makes most mortals blush. Vessel is a side-scrolling plat-former with intelligence to impress even Albert Einstein. The whole presentation while short, to a degree is great. The game is based off a inventor called Arkwright, inventor of the world famous Fluro (mechanized-fluid automaton) is on a quest to finish his next great invention – The Device – that will alter existence in unimaginable ways. However, Fluros begin to mutate and run amok, and it’s up to Arkwright to understand (and exploit) these strange evolutions. Explore physically modeled worlds, solve puzzles by controlling fluid and machines, and harness the power of the mysterious Fluro creatures that populate the land.

While the story is simple and purely on the characters motions. Much like a comic book with live action illustrations. So in better words, the way the game plays, the game explains itself. On to the physics as mentioned above. In a blunt format, it is freaking awesome and beautiful to look at.

Once I completed the game, I was reminded of what a good plat-former is. With a few things to note about the said experience making it less then the perfect mark. While it was explained well with the actions of the characters. I was hoping for a bit more on the story as it did interest me. Further more, while that is a minor compliant, the controls and interactions of many objects were spot on.

Closing thoughts:

Over all I would suggest highly snagging this game. Great game play. Fantastic music. Smooth and tight controls. The art style, while seems like from a flash application, pretty represents the games style.

The branch that the game can be presented on for style is simply put, it feels like it is its own platformer. Allot of the logic begins with observing the landscape and finding a solution. The depth of visual performance is great to glance at. Dark shadowing with lighting works with the game. The Fluros are adorable, offering intelligence with charm to there simple minded nature. Is there anything to dislike about this game? Hardly, it is well rounded and sharp to look at.

Buy, enjoy, profit.



By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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