vz_edgeT-Mobile made headlines with the JUMP! program that they announced last week to allow early upgrades. Verizon looks to be following, with a new program called VZ Edge. Droid-Life got their hands on a training slide that outlines the new program that allows customers to avoid contracts and upgrade fees. VZ Edge will reportedly allow customers to purchase a new smartphone using Verizon’s monthly installment options, as long as 50% of the previous phone has already been paid off.

There are a few question marks with this program, like how often Verizon will allow you to change your device, and if current unlimited-data plan users will be able to keep their package. All questions should be answered on August 25, when VZ Edge is schedule to launch, according to the document above. In addition, AT&T has an announcement tomorrow, which we expect to be another early upgrade program announcement.

Source: Droid-Life


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