It seems that August was the month for terrific gameplay and lousy stories. On the heels of Metroid: Other M and Ys Seven we have Valkyria Chronicies 2, which matches the interminable cut-scenes and dialogue found in those games with puerile high school comedy. Unlike those games though, how much that detracts from what is actually a very good game is really down to taste.

The handheld sequel to the cult favorite RPG on PS3, Valkyria Chronicles 2 shifts the narrative focus from the battlefield to the Gallia Royal Military Academy, where the next generation of commanders is being trained in earnest. It was established in the original game that basic training is mandatory for all able-bodied Gallian citizens, so it’s an interesting opportunity to see the school firsthand. And, for better or worse, Sega also opted to flesh out the game’s secondary characters.

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