Title: Torchlight II
Genre: ActionAdventureRPGIndie
Developer: Runic Games 
Publisher: Runic Games
Release Date: Sep 20, 2012



Welcome to the post Diablo 3 era. If you are like me, you liked Diablo 3, but it just did not live up to expectations. As soon as I finished the story mode,  I actually said to my best friend “Man, Torchlight 2 needs to hurry up.” It’s hard to say that, and not say you are biased, however, this review should answer the question: Worth the hype? Short answer: Yes. Read on for more information.

The original Torchlight was a great game, but had a few flaws. The major being the lack of multiplayer content. They fixed this, by letting you play with your friends online. This is a major selling point for me, as I have been craving a Co-op game, to get my loot fix. Class wise, you have 4 classes to choose from: Berserker, Engineer, Embermage, and Outlander. While I personally would have preferred a few more classes, hopefully my desires will be redeemed with DLC in the near future.

Oh, did I say you can play single player offline? Yeah, you heard that right. THANK YOU RUNIC GAMES. This means, when a lot of people flood the game, I can actually play it, and not see a error screen!

The main part of this game to me, is the loot. Boy, is there a lot of loot. I have yet to get a duplicate item, and that is saying something. With new loot, a simpler User interface, and with a mod community set to release shortly after launch, there is a lot to be excited about.

Also, features new and old are welcomed. New game+ is here, but something I have never really seen before, is how your pets can go and sell stuff in town, so you don’t have to. It has been done in other games yes, but just how easy this was to do was a nice improvement.

With all the high profile games set to come out this month, don’t let this one pass you by. Great graphics, sound, gameplay, and a great amount of content. Did I forget to say this is less than a retail game? You get a full game for 20 bucks. How can you not beat that?


Score: 9/10

Be sure to keep a eye on Thedailygamepad.com for videos and other content relating to Torchlight 2!

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