XDefiant offers a diverse arsenal for players to carve their own path to victory. But with so many options, which guns reign supreme? Here’s a breakdown of the current top contenders, along with their key stats to help you choose your weapon.

Assault Rifle:

  • ACR 6.8: The king of consistency, the ACR boasts excellent damage, manageable recoil, and a solid rate of fire. This well-rounded weapon excels in mid-range battles, making it a great pick for all playstyles (Stats: Damage: High, Rate of Fire: Moderate, Recoil: Moderate).


  • MP7: A close-quarters shredder, the MP7 melts enemies with its blistering fire rate and impressive hip-fire accuracy. It’s perfect for aggressive flanks and dominating objective points (Stats: Damage: Moderate, Rate of Fire: High, Recoil: High).

Alternative SMG:

  • MP5A2: For players who prefer a more tactical approach, the MP5A2 offers a balance between the MP7’s aggression and the AK’s raw power. It deals significant damage at mid-range while remaining controllable (Stats: Damage: High, Rate of Fire: Moderate, Recoil: Low).

Honorable Mentions:

  • AK-47: A classic powerhouse, the AK-47 rewards skilled players with devastating firepower. However, its high recoil demands practice to master (Stats: Damage: Very High, Rate of Fire: Moderate, Recoil: High).
  • TAC-50: For those who like to eliminate threats from afar, the TAC-50 delivers unmatched stopping power. One well-placed shot is all it takes, but mastering this sniper demands precision and map awareness (Stats: Damage: Extremely High, Rate of Fire: Very Low, Recoil: Moderate).

M249: The M249 in XDefiant isn’t the king of raw damage or pinpoint accuracy, but it makes up for it with well-rounded stats and impressive ammo capacity, making it a great choice for suppressive fire and laying down a hail of bullets. (Stats: Damage: Moderate Rate of Fire: High Magazine Size: Very High Recoil: Moderate.)

Remember: Stats are just a part of the equation. Experiment with different weapons to find what suits your playstyle best. Attachments can also significantly alter a gun’s performance, so explore customization options to further optimize your loadout.

This list highlights some of the strongest weapons in XDefiant, but it’s important to consider factors beyond raw stats. Think about your preferred playstyle:

  • Aggressive rushers might favor the MP7’s fast firing rate.
  • Supportive players might choose the ACR for its versatility.
  • Strategic defenders might appreciate the MP5A2’s controllable firepower.

Ultimately, the best gun is the one you feel most comfortable with. So grab your favorites, hit the training grounds, and refine your skills to dominate the XDefiant arena!

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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