Here’s your weekly Message From GOG!

Is this Monday. Hell no. Tuesday? Nope. Not even close. Wednesday? Gettin’ warmer! Thursday, also known as “little Friday”? Close, but no. Is it Friday? Is it the actual Friday? Like, the real deal? The best day of the week? Yes. Yes, it is, so here’s a new episode of This Week on GOG, a short video guide to recent events, promos, and other happenings on the site. By the way, if you haven’t already, you might want to follow the channel on YouTube, so you don’t miss our shows, specials, and exclusive trailers.

Also, check out our Point-and-click-a-thon weekend promo. You can get To The Moon, The Longest Journey, The Book of Unwritten Tales, and many more adventure titles 60% off, until Tuesday, October 22, at 3:59AM GMT.

Oh! One more thing. We’d like to remind you about a little thing called InstaGOGram. Today, we started uploading the special Insta-cut of This Week on GOG there. The pilot “episode” contains no voiceover from The Enigmatic T, but this is going to change, come next Friday. Why don’t you grab your mobile device right now, and subscribe to InstaGOGram, for your weekly instant abstract of releases and promos. Lots of other interesting content to see there, so don’t miss out. Have a fantastic weekend, GOGgers!

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