When Microsoft shut down Ensemble Studios a few years ago shortly after the release of Halo Wars, I never thought we’d have a new Age of Empires game, much-less one being developed by remnants of that fabled studio. Microsoft, along with Gas Powered Games and Robot Entertainment (who has several former Ensemble employees within) has brought the franchise back into the spotlight with a mix of online social components and made it free-to-play. However, this entry in the series stumbles a bit in its execution and feels more like a conglomeration of ideas than a well-focused game that the franchise deserves.

The biggest highlight for this game can’t be ignored: Age of Empires Online is free, right now, via the Games for Windows LIVE client. How much can you play for free? Well, if you’re to believe the promotional materials associated with the game you can get all the way to the level 40 cap without dropping a cent. But this journey to the level cap will be a grind with sub-par equipment for units, limited inventory space, few options for multiplayer, and other features that would otherwise be at your disposal for a premium civilization of your choosing.

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