

The Worst Things About the ’90s

Four terrible things that happened in a decade of great video games.

By: Jose Otero
March 30, 2012

While it’s easy to look back at the ’90s with rose-tinted nostalgia, the decade still had its fair share of rough spots. Yes, the ’90s gave us great Japanese role-playing games like Chrono Trigger, edgier video games for a maturing audience on Sony’s PlayStation, and a slew of landmark titles in the year 1998, but these four things stood out as some of the worst events of the decade.

Sega’s Decline

Sega ended the ’80s on a high note by launching a successful 16-bit console that made the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System look old and busted by comparison. This big win helped them finally penetrate Nintendo’s market dominance and, for Sega, the boisterous chest-beating wouldn’t stop there. “Genesis does what Nintendon’t” ads and the debut of their speedy blue mascot, Sonic, in 1991 helped the Japanese company continue to gain mindshare leading up the launch of the rival Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The head start helped Sega start the ’90s as hip and cool, fast and flexible, or so everyone initially thought.

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