With so many high-profile games coming out during the holiday season, things can get a little overwhelming for your typical gamer. So to help out in these trying times, Atari gives us The UnderGarden — a game they’re calling a virtual “palate cleanser.” Think of it as that little bit of ginger they give you at sushi restaurants to eat as you move from your Fallout: New Vegas roll to the spicy Black Ops nigiri.
At first glance, it seems like UnderGarden should do the trick nicely. It’s got all the trappings of a Zen gaming experience a la Flower: cute, simple visuals with lots of contrast and bright colors; gentle, floaty controls (at least on a gamepad — I wasn’t very fond of using the mouse); and an understated windchime-esque soundtrack. It’s in these early moments that the game seems most promising. It can definitely be relaxing going through a level, collecting pollen and causing all manner of flora to bloom behind you, and the puzzles, which usually involve some kind of special fruit, are amusing while never too difficult.