Since June, 2011 Twitch adapted itself from another website called Justin dot TV in shape of branching from the usual live vlog scene into a now successful, and at times unaware of its own direction part of the web for many gamers, creative artists, musicians, and all sorts of wacky personas to blossom since that time mentioned. So, then you ask me what brings forth this ramble of font. Taboos of Twitch. Or just in general. What seemingly seems like a number crunch, or perhaps a social experience many have gained a friend or two. Then simply called them out, as those people appear as “JoeSmith is now watching” compared to allowing them to give a sign of communication. Once or twice I found myself calling a name out, to only realize they were not saying anything, and the fact I was in the heat of the moment in a game and lightly peaked at the chat to see if anyone was expending a greeting or what not. Which that in itself is a harmless example versus flat-out forcing conversation out of a person. I am getting ahead of myself. Here are some of the taboos I have seen while using the quite fun to lurk in/socialize hub.

  • Calling out Lurkers: Perhaps one of the critical to this list. I was the blunt end of this coming into a chat, to just have the person in the background while I was busy in a game, or tidying up around my area. A few friends of mine are guilty of this, and at times its very uncomfortable. Like atomically uncomfortable. To the point you do not want to be in there because of the constant grip on the back of your brain. Usually if you watch television, do you need to talk to the TV? A few might counter this point with “well that person is live, and there IS a chat system in play. Sure, but that all is completely optional by right of the viewer to engage or not. So there poses the stale-mate in the basis. Sure the streamers sees those numbers and a few names they may know come into the chat. Do those friends need or are required to speak? No. If they come into your chat, they are there to support the streamers, and that said streamer needs to notice this fact and just let it slide, without welcoming, without mentioning the person, or trying to bate out a conversation. Just relax, and enjoy the game your streaming. Or the painting your constructing. OR the meal your eating, whatever the heck your fancy is! If the person comes in and engages you first, then go wild, have a good ole’ chat, be marry. Otherwise: shhhh!

  • Glaring at your viewer numbers: It is one of the basis of twitch surely, but is it a common thing I see people do much, and drive themselves crazy over. Even resulting in quitting the site all together. IT is a nasty habit. That honestly makes you look like you are only caring about numbers. I found myself in the beginning guilty of glaring just curious, and arming that mental dissolve to explode. Sure it is nice to grow as a channel, meet new people and make the most out of your talents, but how do others feel if they are only regarded as a number? I have seen a good pile of positive, and inspiring Twitch streamers who sure, have a ton of viewers, but also look at the big picture of: “I stream for one as I would for a hundred. The quality of my stream would be for that one regardless.” Which was based off something loosely what SourKoolaidShow as spoken many a time. Which has a bit of impact to myself personally as a growing streamers on the site. A small fish in a big pond. Many large names on the site go with the flow like SKS and just broadcast for some, and all. Take notes folks.

  • Backseat Gaming: And finally. Many streamers who finally get a hold of a game, whether it is new or old has felt the wrath of these walking instructors while trying to go through ether a easy part, or a harder part in the game. What these people do not realize: they are doing more harm then good. Unless a streamer mentions they do in fact need help. Read the title of the stream, or try to see if it says “BLIND” in the title and shut up, and watch the person play. If their struggling, good, watch the salt flow, and see if they can solve it themselves. If not, then out well. I find it pretty annoying at times, understanding people want to see you succeed. Or simply want to talk about the fandom of the game with you, without realizing the boundaries were crossed when spoiling the game. Some even debate “The game has been out for many years! Tough luck” Any game a person has never played before, regardless of its release date is a fresh experience. To rob that from them is practically selfish. Again: if they do not ask for help, do not impede.

There are so many more Taboos, what are some of yours?



By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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