

The Top 7 Most Amazing Minecraft User Creations

There’s a fine line between anal-retentiveness and awe-inspiring.

By: David Wolinsky

Minecraft is an enormous success — which is, by all accounts, no small feat for an indie sandbox game that is a year and a half old, still in public beta, and, by design, comes without a tutorial or any indication of what the hell you’re supposed to do in it. It might take a while to figure out, but there’s a reason nearly two million people are playing it.

The grassroots title hinges on allowing players to mine for resources, and then craft shelter or anything else they’d like, block by block. This unabashed freedom has inspired everything from meticulous recreations of 8-bit sprites and the Taj Mahal to rewriting the works of Edgar Allan Poe to be about the game in message boards. Basically, it’s become a new form of expression and a new outlet for creativity… while still being in alpha. We scoured the trillions of user creations to present this more-manageable list of seven of the most astounding ones.

7. Fanmade Trailer

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