Some of the greatest memories growing up around the 1990s and early on was a few genres of games on PC. Yes, consoles had incredible platformers, no lie. However it was a task and some change, but we seen a lot of movement. PC in a way was very much behind home console gaming in this field. Its strongest suits were CRPGs, Adventure games.
A lot of the article will feature many outstanding bits of info from Moby Games. Or extra gameplay photos if you wish to see more of the games.
Saying PC gaming back in the day was interior in certain fields is true to a point, however it had defining game series that deserve their shine in the limelight. Such as:

Elevator is comparable to Spy’s Demise in terms of gameplay. The objective is to climb to the top of the screen while collecting all of the gold pots. You begin walking right from the bottom left corner. When you get to the right side, go up a row. Then you must walk all the way to the left and up one row again, and so on. You must stay away from the continually moving elevators. As the game progresses, the elevators become quicker and the game becomes much more difficult. Now you ask why is this even on the list? Its to show the comparison in graphical advancements. The gameplay is still fun enough.
This is generally a port, however from my shifting through many, many games from the 1980s is the closest to what could be considered a proper side-scrolling/ sort-of-platformer I could discover. It was crazy around the literal 1990s is when the bloom happened. However, we were given these sort of platformers. Yes, honorable mention to Ghost ‘N Goblins also having a PC port around this year. However, I am also aiming to limit as many ports as possible from this list. It is to mostly aim towards games made for PC in this article. I will still mention a light few ports, only if they show impressive elements that high lighted the DOS/Windows platforms.

The villainous Akuma has razed the protagonist’s house, murdered many of his companions, and abducted the princess Mariko. Because the hero is a martial artist, he has the possibility of reaching Akuma’s palace and rescuing Mariko. From the side, Karateka presents a series of progressively challenging opponents. Both the player character and his opponents have three varieties of punches and kicks, which are distinguished by their height (low, medium, and high). When the protagonist stands stationary, his health bar slowly replenishes.
Dizzy – The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure

In this platform adventure,
Dizzy must search the fairy tale realm of Katmandu for a Leprechaun’s Wig, a Cloud’s Silver Lining, a Vampire Dux Feather, and a Troll Brew and deposit them in a cauldron to concoct a potion to fight the evil wizard Zaks in this platform adventure.
Collecting items and going to other locations where the item is necessary is part of the gameplay; for example, a raincoat is required at one point to defend against damaging rain. This is complicated further by the fact that only one item can be carried at any given moment.Several lines from J. Milton Hayes’ poem The Green Eye of the Yellow God appear on banners at some screens, serving as clues to how to complete some of the game’s puzzles.
Unlike other games in the series, which focus more on inventory-based puzzles, this game contains a big number of hazards that instantly kill the player if they come into touch with them. The game was difficult to accomplish at first because there were only three lives available.
The Adventures of Captain Comic
The Adventures of Captain Comic

Personally to me this game blended together the elements of Super Mario Bros, with open world exploration. It was not the easiest of games to journey though. I still love the game. It’s outer shell looks like a clone of Mario that went street bike racing surely, but ignore all that bit. Instead take it in. A well put together platformer! Sure, a little confusing at first but once you figured out where to go the game was much easier to trek through. The game takes roughly a few hours to get through if your new to it, and maybe a lot less if you know where to go and what to do. I own now this game on NES, and both versions looks great, the Dos one having slightly brighter graphics. This game along with a few more shown the graphical prowess of the PC. Still a bit behind for certain elements. It contained some what decent scrolling of the background, predating even Commander Keen by a few years. Which Keen itself was flag shipped for nailing the smoother parallel scrolling. Michael Denio deserves a lifetime award for his efforts! Haha.
A honorable mention to Captain Comic 2 will be tossed here as I feel while it was a awesome game, and a improvement over the first game, it was not as ground breaking as its release began to see alot of games around it do about the same ground-work.
CC2 featured quality of life improvements over the first game. As well as key items which helped along the adventure. Such as a Jetpack, Pickaxe, and so fourth. It also had better visuals. With nifty things like swimming, adding to the exploration. It to had a clever copy protection element into the game where if you did not guess a code correctly, you would be teleported(once you go into the teleport room) into a dungeon you could not escape. Do Not copy that floppy!

Command Keen Series (Part 1 of 2)
Commander Keen 1: Marooned on Mars
Commander Keen 2: The Earth Explodes
Commander Keen 3: Keen Must Die!

The rough story of how the game came to be was, ID software wanted to make a Mario game on PC. To share the same game play elements on the PC itself. Once discovering how to, make this happen between John Romero, and John Carmack. The raw talent to program and put this together was cutting edge for the PC at the time. Where as most platformers to even come close to this were only one scene per area and changed screens. (Aside from Michael Denio’s Captain Comic). As whole levels were sometimes pretty large screens. Seeing this blew my mind. I felt like I was apart of some sort of super secret cool kids club having access to this game when others only had Sonic or Mario. Which yes I to had Sonic the Hedgehog, and Super Mario Bros, however this series, Keen had me more interested. The survival elements, carefully using your ammo, and dodging nasty pitfall traps. Many with confidence still look back on this series as the true standard for many PC game platformers. Even down to developers basing their work on this architecture.
Interestingly enough, there was a game released that featured 3D Platforming elements called Continuum. Movement was all about careful platforming and hopping. It had more of a arcade vibe, but your goal was to fill up rooms, and that was about it. A sort of Q-bert kind-of-thing. It was a a lot of fun, and unique for the time.


A true hidden gem within the confides of the PC gaming world. IT blends the elements you maybe seen from games like the Legend of Zelda 2, Ys 3, and a few more titles. What was really divine with this one is how darn good it looks. It is not without its janky elements. However controls and down to the exploration, matches Metroid. Which again on PC next to maybe a few other games was astounding. Sadly it is more rarer to find, or locate affordable copies of. I do not promote bootlegging any sort of game. Unless its literally Freeware mentioned by the original makers, so this one sits on some of the top lists of games I want to own on GOG or Steam.

Prince of Persia

Prince of Persia
While the Sultan of Persia is fighting a battle in another nation, Jaffar, his Grand Vizier, plots a coup. The Sultan’s attractive daughter is his ticket to the throne. If she refuses to marry Jaffar, he kidnaps her and threatens to murder her. Meanwhile, the Princess’s beloved is imprisoned in the dungeon. He only has one hour to break free from his jail, beat the guards along the way, and stop Jaffar from marrying someone he despises.

Prince of Persia is a 2D platformer widely considered to be the forerunner of the cinematic platformer genre. It focuses on patient progression through very complicated levels, stressing the protagonist’s fragility and survival component, rather than the more popular jump-and-run features. Rotoscoping technique was used to give more realism to the animation of the characters’ movements.

The year of 1990 was really the beginning and ever since has been a roller-coaster of many fresh faced platformers. 1991 we seen a beautiful spread of true “Nes-like” platformers from inspired developers at ID software. The publishing house at Apogee was pretty much pushing on top, where hit after hit coming out from their catalog. All this from roughly 2 years of being on the scene. One of the hot rising companies on the PC scene. Their next entry into the Keen series: Good Bye, Galaxy was in a way called Commander Keen 2, even though It was more so labelled as 4 and 5. 6 with Keen Dreams being housed with a different publisher from the end game of it all. Fans overall address the games such as 1-6 faithfully as myself as well. If you were to separate the games in a certain corner, you were given it kind of as followed: 1-3, 4-5, and 6. Keen Dreams.
Commander Keen: Keen Dreams

Keen Dreams: Commander Keen is a platform game. It follows the events in Commander Keen 3: Keen Must Die! but before Commander Keen 4: Oracle’s Secret.

Billy “Commander Keen” Blaze, the universe’s hero and planet defender, is eight years old and has a problem: his mother compels him to eat awful veggies. He dreams that he is in the kingdom of Tuberia, where sentient vegetables rule and the terrible monarch Boobus Tuber enslaves children transported by his Dream Machine.
Commander Keen 4: Secret of the Oracle
While working on a Photachyon Transceiver, eight-year-old genius Billy “Commander Keen” Blaze gets an interplanetary broadcast (a radio that can receive signals anywhere in the galaxy). Despite the scratchy message, Billy deduces that the galaxy is once again in peril from an extraterrestrial race known as Shikadi. He goes off to contact the Oracle in order to learn more about this menace. However, it turns out that the Shikadi have abducted and imprisoned the eight Council Members required for the Oracle’s activation in the treacherous Shadowlands. Billy sets out to save the members of the Council.

Commander Keen 5: The Armageddon Machine
After learning of the extraterrestrial Shikadi’s plans to destroy the galaxy, eight-year-old savant Billy “Commander Keen” Blaze boards their ship, the Omegamatic, to destroy it and stop the horrible act.
The goal is to reach the Omegamatic’s core and destroy it, but Billy must first locate and kill four robots that guard the main elevator. A top-down map of the Omegamatic opens the game. This is the level pick screen, where Billy may roam about and the player can select the next level. Billy must either find a way out of each stage or destroy a crucial machine if one exists.

Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!
Molly, Billy “Commander Keen” Blaze’s (an eight-year-old genius) babysitter, has been kidnapped by the Bloogs from Fribbulus Xax for strictly gastronomical reasons. To save her, Keen must travel to Fribbulus Xax! A top-down map of the Fribbulus Xax opens the game.

This is the level choice screen, where Billy can roam around and the player can select the next level they want to play; however, some areas of the map need the player to locate specific things (such as a grappling hook) in order to progress. Billy must find his way to the exit on each level. Billy returns to the overhead map after completing a level.

We seen the cheerful, zany world of Commander Keen would leave its flag in the ground for many to see. As far as some of the best at the time, however one other key figure inserted his interest into the more mature audience: Duke Nukem. Before we seen his 3D days being one of the more iconic elements of gaming since Doom, and Wolfenstein 3D, kicking alien ass was in the form of a platformer. One of my personal favorite games as a child growing up. It was bare bones in terms of lacking music at the time. It was also a episodic game as well. See the common theme here with PC gaming? Luckily you can purchase the episodes in a bundle. As in now it is all included in a low price. Pew!
Duke Nukem

Duke Nukem
Containing a total of 3 episodes, Duke Nukem set a staple that many platformers before it inserted. Finding key items, and exiting a stage. This theme was notorious through out these games, confusing the living hell out of me as the stages stretched on. I still loved the abuse though! Haha! Around this games launch I spent quite a few hours playing through the shareware of this game, more then maybe many Steam time collectors could even show now. Kids around now were all playing Street Fighter 2, Battletoads, so fourth. I was sitting in my dark doom playing this game. Trying to complete the first episode as quickly as possible. Never succeeding mind you. I always got lost. Even now, draw me a road map, because I am still lost as ever. The episodes in the game in question were Sharpnel City, MIssion: Moonbase, and Trapped in the Future.

Crystal Caves

Crystal Caves is a side-scrolling platform game in which the goal is to complete all of the stages while collecting each and every crystal. Mylo is pursued by a slew of enemies, including bats, robots, mine carts, and dinosaurs, as well as other perils such as stalactites and stalagmites, leaking pipes, and deadly plants that kill instantly. Mylo has three health points, and if they are all depleted, he dies (but thankfully he has unlimited lives). Mylo possesses a missile pistol to protect himself, which can kill most but not all adversaries.

One of the many games that recently got a remake/remaster. Which I actually prefer, due to the controls feel much better on that version then this one, which again is basically the same game. Just with quality of life improvements, as well as a kick ass sound track. Another one of my personal favorite games. It was not as huge as lets say a Duke Nukem, or a Commander Keen, later on in life we really seen the fan fare blast out for this one, deserving of course.
1992 is when PC gaming more so then ever was hauling ass. It found it’s calling. We seen more colorful titles releasing, the ground breaker like Wolfenstein 3D is released(even through Catacombs 3D was doing its sort of thing before hand other then Hovertank One) Its a long dragged out thing there to explain FPS style games all day, we are here for the platformers on the early 1990s though. We also seen legendary series like Wing Commander fly on through, making outstanding ground. PC also more so was seeing more commonly games on CD-Rom, other then just for music. At the end of the 1980s, we seen more PC games slapped on the things, and it was a media more affordable for consumers. Hell 1988 PC Engine home console had a disc drive. So this was the time slot roughly, with some “here and there” where the media was used. More software/hardware companies sold these beefy Media bundles with the CD Rom Drives to consumers(which was the ultimate, and awesome bang for your buck, until they things broke, then you were very sad.) Japan consumed the media earlier and more fluidly then the home markets apposed to the US. So more software makers, as well as game makers by this time stamp were very comfortable with it. Meaning we seen more larger games, with more sprites, sound, and so much more. Hard discs tagged along with the ride, still common for shareware to make its rounds, or to back up your usual set of games.
Out of this World

Like a whale in a goldfish tank this game speaks for itself. Out of this World is simply a masterpiece. It was ported over to Dos of course, still carrying the strong mantle of excellence.

Shooting, platforming, and puzzle-solving components are all present in Out of This World.
The game is separated into stages, some of which are simple and may only be accessed once, while others are linked together to form a bigger area. The importance of exploration and problem-solving is highlighted. Many levels have obstacles that were not present in prior levels. Environmental puzzles, timed sequences, precise leaping, and fighting may be included in the tasks.
Jill of the Jungle

Jill of the Jungle
A cult classic amongst PC gamers, also one of the more creative games. Also putting Epic on the map. Your weapon being a toss-able knife which you had to run around to collect. Enemies and the whole game looked so amazing. It included 3 episodes in total, the first self titled, the second episode named Jill goes Underground, and Kill saves the Prince(as a symbol?). The first like the reacquiring trend was shareware. It was released by Epic Megagames, you know the guys now you curse-out every so often.

Word Rescue + Math Rescue

Word Rescue
FormGen, Inc. The one of many stars, or unsung heroes of this time frame until whenever, helped distribute many shareware/full versions of iconic classics. Also including bonus content from those who registered! They helped Redwood Games publish this game you might have heard of as a child growing up, that your parents tossed you in front of to learn something. However I still openly admit I still play this game today as a grown adult. I find the game that much fun.

The Gruzzles are deadbeats who have never learned to read. That would have been half the problem if they hadn’t decided that no one else should be able to read since they couldn’t. They took all the letters from all the books, leaving the world speechless. The custodian of books, Benny the Bookworm, sends a brave young explorer to retrieve the words and return the world to normal. Word Rescue is a side-scrolling action game that aims to educate kids how to detect written words. The idea is for the protagonist to “bump” into question marks in order to uncover written words. The hero must discover an image that relates to a word after it has been shown.

This time published by Apogee. Gruzzles are at it again, this time taking the world’s numbers, in a sort of sequel to Word Rescue. Math Rescue is an educational/side-scroller game with few gameplay variations from its predecessor, save for the fact that you now have to solve mathematical puzzles.

The game itself felt a little long in the tooth for solving so many math problems, over time yes it did in fact drill you with learning how to solve math problems quicker and more accurately. At least for myself. Visually the game improved, and gameplay felt different. It was impressive to see a game evolve so rapidly like between Word & Math Rescue.
Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventure


Cosmo becomes stuck on a planet after his parents vanish while on a trip to a planet I am assuming is known for fun. . You guide him as he runs and jumps through strange tropics, scary woodland, freezing cave, and futuristic world in search of his parents.

He meets numerous platform baddies along the route, whom he must either jump to death or demolish with bombs. Bombs can also be used to uncover secrets.Cosmo also has suction cup arms that he can utilize to scale tall walls.

1993, many argue the crown year of legendary staples of PC gaming at this point, with the release of Doom, Ken’s Labyrinth, Spear of Destiny (Wolf 3D 2), Mortal Kombat, Alone in the Dark
The Lost Vikings

Before we got the heavily Warhammer inspired universe of Warcraft, and other games, we had this amazing game. Yes, The employees from Blizzard made this fantastic title along many others before the overly brought up World of Warcraft got mentioned every 15 minutes by secluded MMORPG players.

The extraterrestrial Tomator, the malevolent Croutonian emperor who is gathering unusual life forms to show in his collection, abducted three Vikings, Eric the Swift, Olaf the Stout, and Baleog the Fierce. To battle Tomator, as well as a large assortment of aliens, robots, enormous snails, big lizards, and more, the three Vikings will have to combine their individual skills.

The Lost Vikings is an original side-scrolling platform puzzle game. Instead of a single character that can leap, run, shoot, collect stuff, flip switches, and so on, there are three characters, each with their unique set of abilities. Eric the Swift’s strong helmet allows him to jump, run, and crash through barriers. Olaf the Stout possesses a shield that may be used to block assaults, as an air glider, or as a step. Baleog the Fierce can kill objects with his sword or fire anything with his arrows (even switches). If the player wishes to progress through the increasingly challenging stages and challenges, he must work together with the three Vikings.
Duke Nukem 2


Duke Nukem II is a platform game that follows up on the success of Duke Nukem. Duke Nukem, the famed muscular hero, gets kidnapped by the wicked Rigelatins, who want to exploit his brain to conquer Earth when he is giving a TV interview. Duke is able to effortlessly get free from his jail cell.

Now he must go through four episodes, each of which contains a variety of stages with varied graphic design. Duke must overcome several hurdles and foes along the route, including both Rigelatin soldiers and apparent local fauna. Duke starts with with a modest laser rifle, but he may upgrade to a flamethrower (which he can use to shoot down and propel himself into the air), a rocket launcher, or a far more powerful laser cannon.
We are almost done, I promise! We have reached 1994, yes, there are a few platformers I might have missed with this, but I am just not hip firing a bunch of platformers just for a full game name list here, if you feel a few should be on this list. That is fine, but I am trying to limit stress in my work, thank you! 1993 had a few solid gems. However we began to seen more variety in the gaming department that only a handful of gaming studios did platformers.
Jazz the Jackrabbit

Sonic the Hedgehog’s PC equivalent is Jazz Jackrabbit. Jazz, the hero of the rabbit planet Carrotus, must rescue Eva Earlong, the adored rabbit princess, and defeat Devan Shell, the leader of the turtle terrorists, by going to many worlds to discover clues about Eva’s whereabouts while freeing them from Shell’s oppression.

Jazz’s astounding speed, which grows as he runs, has a resemblance to Sonic the Hedgehog.
The remainder of the gaming elements, however, are unique. Because the game is largely a shooter, Jazz must hop above his adversaries to beat them.
Hocus Pocus

Hocus Pocus is a platform action game. Players control a young wizard who must run, leap, and climb their way through levels occupied by numerous enemies. On his journey, Hocus will come across numerous magical potions; some will replenish health, while others will bestow special abilities, such as a super-jump that will allow him to enter new regions or a laser blast that would allow him to fight more effectively.
When my family and I would go to the Bakery and then the Dollar Store, I recall picking this one up from the Dollar Store, which had a bin of computer games on floppy discs for a dollar each. I’m not sure what it was about the game that drew us in; perhaps it was the art box, but I recall bringing it home and playing it a lot as a kid. I loved it so much that I was delighted to see that it was now accessible on Steam, with all four episodes available for $4.99 USD. It’s still as enjoyable a game as I recall from my childhood.
Finally we have made it. I decided to conclude this look into the crazy world of platformers because really side from a few here and there. Consoles still kept more platformers pumped out, while they began to this time port PC games to their respective sides now. Originally it was PC that was pulling from the catalogs of Sega Genesis, the Nintendo Entertainment System, with developers pushing their work on PC. Now because of the advancements with games like Descent, Doom, all shifting over, up and down. Here is a look at the years 1995-1999!
Turrican II: The Final Fight


Turrican II: The Final Fight is a platformer/shooter similar to those found on consoles, but built from the ground up for home computers.

The storyline is straightforward: a wicked mega-robot known as The Machine attacks the United Planets Ship Avalon 1, destroying any who stand in its way. All but Bren McGuire, who manages to elude capture and dons the Turrican bionic armor. Turrican’s goal as Turrican is to demonstrate The Machine who’s boss.
Eol-ui Moheom

Eol-ui Moheom is a colorful Korean platformer that stars Eol, a charming yellow anthropomorphic animal who must overcome an equally animal-like anthropomorphic demon and his followers. Eol moves through stages in a linear fashion, leaping on stationary and moving platforms and fighting normal foes and bosses.

He fights using his tail, which launches a projectile attack; he can also grip poles and trees with his tail.
Eol also has the ability to slide, which he may employ to escape adversaries and squeeze into tight spaces.
Shakii the Wolf

The player controls Shakii the wolf in this Korean-made cartoony arcade platformer (who happens to look more like a fox). Shakii ruled the tranquil kingdom of Shake until the wicked, near-invincible Lion Warrior known as Midnight Sword came, throwing the realm into chaos and darkness. Shakii must now gather his abilities and prepare for a last confrontation with Midnight Sword.

Shakii the Wolf focuses on platform hopping and physical combat, with the protagonist defeating enemies with his fists and special skills. Shakii must travel through seven levels to retake his throne, each of which is guarded by a mid- and end-level boss.


Trouble looms in Rayman’s universe as a villain known only as Mr. Dark emerges. Mr. Dark captures the Toons, Rayman’s buddies and the source of light. When there is no longer light, horrible monsters emerge, making the world dangerous for everyone. It’s up to you, Rayman, to save your pals and put a stop to Mr. Dark’s evil plans!

Rayman is a side-scrolling platformer in which the titular Rayman, a big-nosed bloke with no arms or legs, is the protagonist. Rayman can jump and hover for a brief amount of time by using his hair. He may also attack with his fists, which he can toss or wind up for a more forceful hit.
A personal fav of mine, it is still to this date, one of the more harder games I have ever played. The controls handle well on keyboard, the option for a gamepad is there, but for me due to using a Xbox One controller was not as successful. So I stuck with keyboard trekking threw this deathtrap of a game.

Alien Rampage is a 2D side-scroller featuring numerous levels of parallaxing backdrops and big animated sprites. You crash landed on a hostile planet and went out to get a ship so that you might escape this hellhole. To get there, you’ll have to shoot hundreds of terrible animals, as well as hostile bounty seekers, with some rather spectacular weaponry.

You’ll also be able to buy power-ups and gain puzzle-solving assistance from the planets culture.
A typical youngster named Cyril is checking the radio in a futuristic Manhattan when he hears word of an extraterrestrial invasion planned for planet Earth soon. So he grabs his flying skateboard and his weapons and sets off to hunt down those invaders. A level editor is also included in the game.

This is a platform game in which you shoot your adversaries and collect keycards to progress through 32 stages (including 3 secret ones).

Tomb Raider

One of the most important platformers as well to date for PC. 3D design, while today being a little janky for some gamers, is one of the most influential ones to date.

Lara Croft is a Tomb Raider, an archaeologist who searches ancient locations for priceless relics. She is recruited to acquire an artifact from a Peruvian tomb that turns out to be one of three pieces of the Atlantean Scion.

After being deceived by her employer, Lara Croft journeys to Greece, Rome, and Egypt to retrieve the remaining components before the device’s power is misused.

Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee

Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee

Another flagship game to the pile of classics. Oddworld combined a sort of survival puzzle like blend that since then not many could perfect it much like this. We would also have tossed Lemmings to this list, but decided to leave it off. Why? Heck if I know.

Abe is a Mudokon, a once-prosperous species that has been enslaved by the Glukkons and forced to labor in their massive companies. The food manufacturers have discovered a new form of meat that everyone loves, but no one knows how to make it.

Abe eavesdrops on the business executives’ chat while following his stomach and finds the most terrifying and revolting discovery: his own race is that hidden wonderful meal.

Unfortunately, Abe has been discovered, and the guards are approaching him. He must go, but he cannot abandon his companions to the Glukkons and their minions. He must save as many people as he can and reveal the truth about what he has discovered to the rest of the world.
Montezuma’s Return

In closing, off and on you would see platformers, not until more recently is when you seen more of a fruitful harvest in this case. Developers seemingly shifted away a little bit to work on projects like FPS shooters, or titles for the home console market. As well as different genres then just platformer games. They were around out there still between 1997 and beyond. Now we have our own share of the genre as it returned more stable. However let us not forget as it came, it also shifted from a once innovative thing to see at least on PC/ or home computers. Console gamers all seen all of this, and it was fun to them no doubt, but a little taken for granted, or something to boast about for awhile. I grew up around all platforms, I was lucky that way. Even then I never seen the impact and waves a simple thing could provide, when a need is fed. Aside from Wolfenstein 3D or even Doom, games like Commander Keen put the popularity into motion for a good while.

I loved to see and to be around all of this growing up. Even to the strong go-hards in the indie scene with the same spirits that the developers of small offices are did then. 12, maybe less all working hard to develop games firstly they loved on other platforms like Nintendo, or Genesis, and do something of their own in their own mindset, own improvements. Taking that past love into a new frontier. This is why I love gaming damn it, this is why I am also talking so preachy. Also this is why I love platformers so much, because without them, we would not see such heights now in gaming. Until maybe in another life time.