Developer: Red Mountain Consulting SL
Publisher: Meridiem Games, Gammera Next, Ripples Asia Venture

Where to buy: Steam

With the legend of Wu comes a big stretch of mythical awesomeness. Usually spawning some pretty killer games, or good games if you weren’t sure of the term “killer game”. The Crown of Wu, seems like it would be a amazing game. However, it needs improvement with more then anything with its settings. Constant crashes due to limited feature tweaks. Like being able to turn off AA, or various settings within its architecture. Beyond its bloated performance hides what could be a enjoyable game. So with that said if you own a moderate PC. Beware of some issues along the way, and constant crashes.

With that said the concept, visuals, even system requirements seem to good to be true for moderate gaming PC owners, however, prompt more issues then good in this instance. Where much refinement was needed to allow consumers to tweak down things, or even adjust where things could cause a crash if a promised low specs.

Mind you my PC I make sure to have everything up to date, and tip top shape. Including thermal-paste when needed. If you own a mid range PC, beware.

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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