
*Disclaimer, the views shared in this blog post are of that of DanVamDam’s and his alone and do not share the whole staff of the website*

Growing up around the entry of ebay, you had things like money orders, for each listing. At the time prices were fair, and you were doing a transaction between a seller who had a item you wanted, and offered it to you, to get it off their hands. Usually, you did not pay a lot for what was considered vintage or old. Fairly priced, and usually over time you got your package. Now we are treated to both a bane and a benefit of quicker ship times, more transparent means to paying for online goods, and hopefully obtaining your packages before a fortnight. Now, this post is more so an opinion of the whole format, which personally drives me crazy to a point. That is people who mark up a console beyond its actual price. It’s one thing you buy a console, and realize it’s not for you, and you decide to resell it. Now if it’s harder to actually get without some asshole maxing out his credit card buying every unit, on the storefront, then sure, adjust the pricing a little higher, supply and demand. I get it, people have to also spend time preparing the packages to safely get to your doorstep, pay employees if they got any, blah blah blah. I understand that, but if it’s a solo tech-bro or soccer mom grabbing all of them up. To me, it’s much like the days of the PS2, though the karma train there was hilarious due to the first units being basically broken on arrival. I am referring to those people who hoard up the Pokemon cards boost boxes, the consoles like Xbox Series whatever, and the PS5 units. Shoe collecting is beyond my understanding, so I will leave that mess alone.

Various articles discussing the PS2 launch in depth:


Going through it in my head it’s all also funny, you have them with a garage filled with the boxes. Then if they see someone upset that they do; they will post “cry me a river”. Like supposedly they are high and mighty they have a huge bill to pay off from the credit card collectors. To me, I refuse to pay double the cost of the unit that really has two to three games I am interested in. Beyond maybe an Xbox Series X, I would just stick to my Xbox One and be fine. However, for those who have the means to afford a unit that is store priced at $499.99, I feel for you. You either want to make your kid, family member, or yourself (for once) happy, and someone pay gates you. I dismiss the “make a living for themselves” when doing shitty things to other people, or taking advantage of others. Now yes it’s optionally there to pay the scalper’s price, and just wait for a deal to come up somewhere for the console, but, that’s where they then started bot claiming units in stores sites. Its chaos. Pure chaos overall. As a gamer, I am over the idea of trying to obtain the current generation of consoles. I own a PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and a moderately good PC. So I am good. I can play almost everything that I want, and it’s clear sailing for me. For others, I feel compassion for those, who like me refuse to pay the toll of those jerks. If you can find a console of the three giants affordable, then I salute you. Brave and intellectual scholar.

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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