
Seldom you get anything that draws to far back to niche, or even iconic classics. Or more so you just get rehashes of today’s games put out there. One game does something original by a modern standpoint others follow. However if it is not brought out to the masses as it should have been, then it is more of a “service” or even a open mic challenge for creators to come up with something in the image of what people really wanted from the original project. Sometimes not quite there, other times a grand slam. I personally really enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077, aside from all of the missing aspects, and bare feel at times. I understood the game needed more time in the oven, but from what we got was a killer game. With that beauty is in the eye of the beholder vibe through and through. Hell I even enjoyed Dead Island, even with its bare feeling at times. Sometimes it really takes certain elements to pull it through. While it is still debatable what makes a good story from a subpar one. For me, it hit a grand-slam for what I mind in a game, was still pretty fun. However I do/did agree wholeheartedly it DID need time in the oven. Anyway, on to the task at hand.

The Ascent sets you up as a bounty hunter, or a repair man who has to go down to “The deepstink” to clean up a cybernetic mess, in turn causing a bigger mess seemingly. You clean up the mess and head back up to Sector 13, then the game opens up from there. You are then given side quests, main story line quests. All carrying you through dungeon like sections of the game with tons of guns to loot, and armor to wear. All in a futuristic setting. All and all, enjoy the gameplay clip!

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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