Developer: Pixelcraft Games
Publisher: Ratalaika Games
Genre:Action Platformer

Release Date: Jan 26th, 2024
Price: $8.99
Where to buy:
Switch, PSN, Microsoft

Released in January 2024, The Adventures of Panzer: Legacy Collection brings two retro-inspired, story-driven action platformers to the Nintendo Switch: The Adventures of Panzer 1 and The Adventures of Panzer 2. If you’re a fan of classic titles like Mega Man and enjoy charming pixel art with a humorous twist, this collection might be worth your time. However, be prepared for some rough edges and limitations.


  • Classic platforming: Both games offer tight controls and familiar mechanics like running, jumping, and attacking enemies. Expect standard platforming fare with hazards, puzzles, and boss battles.
  • Multiple characters: Panzer 2 introduces playable companions with unique abilities, adding variety to the gameplay.
  • Non-linear paths: Choose your own route through levels in Panzer 2, offering some replayability.

For both games, it really is cool to see where the developers went with Panzer 2, after taking my time to really settle into each game, I wanted to make sure, I did not miss to much of the details:

The Adventures of Panzer 1:

  • Traditional side-scrolling action: You control Panzer, a muscular soldier with a tank for a head, as he runs, jumps, and blasts enemies with his arm cannon.
  • Weapon upgrades: Collect power-ups to enhance your arm cannon with different firing modes and abilities.
  • Hidden secrets: Explore levels to find hidden collectibles and unlock optional challenges.
  • Boss battles: Each stage culminates in a unique boss fight that tests your platforming and combat skills.
  • Limited character progression: While you collect upgrades, Panzer himself doesn’t gain permanent abilities.

The Adventures of Panzer 2:

  • Similar core gameplay: Retains the platforming and shooting mechanics but expands on them.
  • Multiple playable characters: Unlock and switch between Panzer, a nimble ninja, and a powerful berserker, each with unique movesets and playstyles.
  • Non-linear level progression: Choose your own path through interconnected stages, offering some exploration and decision-making.
  • Teamwork mechanics: Utilize each character’s strengths to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles together.
  • More expansive story: Introduces more characters and cutscenes, building on the humor and lighthearted narrative.

General Gameplay Notes:

  • Difficulty: Both games offer adjustable difficulty levels, catering to casual and experienced players.
  • Lives system: You have a limited number of lives, and losing them forces you to restart the level from the beginning.
  • Checkpoints: Checkpoints are scattered throughout levels, offering some forgiveness after death.
  • Collectibles: Both games feature various collectibles like coins and health items, rewarding exploration.

Additional Points:

  • While the core gameplay is fun, some might find the enemy variety and level design a bit repetitive, especially in Panzer 1.
  • The boss battles offer unique challenges and can be quite satisfying to defeat.
  • The humor might not appeal to everyone, as it leans towards slapstick and silly situations.


  • Pixel art charm: The games boast colorful and detailed pixel art that evokes nostalgia for the NES era.
  • Humorous story: The narrative is lighthearted and silly, following Panzer’s wacky adventures to reunite with his raid team.
  • Simple soundtrack: The music is basic but fits the mood and doesn’t distract from the gameplay.

Technical aspects:

  • Performance: The collection runs smoothly without major technical issues.
  • Limited features: Besides basic options, there are no additional features like online leaderboards or achievements.
  • Short playtime: Each game can be completed in a few hours, offering limited overall content.


The Adventures of Panzer: Legacy Collection is a love letter to classic platformers, delivering enjoyable gameplay with a humorous story and charming visuals. However, its short length, lack of features, and some simplistic elements might deter players looking for a deeper experience.

Here’s a summary of the pros and cons to help you decide:


  • Fun and nostalgic platforming gameplay
  • Charming pixel art and humorous story
  • Multiple playable characters in Panzer 2
  • Non-linear paths in Panzer 2 for some replayability
  • Smooth performance


  • Short playtime for each game
  • Limited features compared to modern titles
  • Some simplistic gameplay elements
  • Only available in English

Final verdict:

If you’re a fan of classic platformers and enjoy lighthearted humor, The Adventures of Panzer: Legacy Collection offers a charming and nostalgic experience. However, its short length and lack of features might be dealbreakers for some players. Consider your expectations and preferred gameplay style before diving in.

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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