Developer : SquareEnix
Publisher: SquareEnix
Platform: PSP
Genre: Action RPG
ESRB: M (Mature)
Release Date: March 29th, Out now!

Price: 29.99

Buy it Here: Walmart, Bestbuy, Gamestop

To say this game is in the same setting of Parasite Eve one and two would be on track, saying its a direct sequel of part two however would not be. A lot of requests for a new game in the world of P.E. was only a matter of time with the busty blond we know as Aya Brea.The setting is in Manhattan around the date of 2012(a play on the current rumors of the end of the earth?) The game is a departure from the old style of the classic titles into a Action RPG fusion that lately Square Enix has not been shy about as of late with many of their published material  on the market. The Third person genre is a settled format since quite a few platformers and various brought this flavor to the punch, however The 3rd birthday gives fans and new comers alike a experience that kicks their ass and gives them a satisfied feeling in the end. As you are welcomed to the game you are given a very strong story driven introduction, with chaos, drama, and sugar and spice. Though a roughly short game there is plenty to explore in this wild experience on this play station portable exclusive.

The game play is quite simple to pick up , as well as understand after you get into the game. You have your classic 3rd person shooter format, with left bumper as your aim, and guess what, your right bumper to fire. Assorted from that there are other options to control the game. What is more interesting, and to note is the Overdrive System. With this feature you are granted to pass into other bodies of AI allies and flank or dive away from near death. Alot of the weapons in the game are nothing to be concerned with the Sci-Fi elements other then being standard Military issued. Enemies in the game are almost like Deadspace, yes like that other survival horror game, creepy looking,dangerous and well not overly abused as generic chess pieces for you to slaughter. Huge to be correct on the screen are bosses, who all require you to use much of the Overdrive system and quick thinking. We granted died many times but it was very much well paced with the difficulty curve. With narrow corridors comes great practice, while some enemies come out of effin no wear, it keeps that scare factor into dodging some bad-guys.

Dark environments and sound effects fit together like a well oiled machine in this title. It is recommended to wear headphones and have the lights off to feel the full effect. The coloring, character design and effects of gunfire are outstanding. While the camera is awkward at times it is not totally resented. The storyline was even paced giving cinematic movies, mid-stage dialog, with full on voice acting, and less annoying co-stars. After completing the game close to 50 times for good measure we got to say, the lead character gave you the sense of natural fear, and real emotion to her interactions with almost all that is present.


Closing thoughts:

Honestly guys, this game is all out fantastic, aside from the linear stuff you always hear about straight forward progression in games of today’s standard that well was always there since the beginning of gaming. From the story plot to the game play and controls it all fits in well to compliment the hand held to a tee. To set a mood with this game, it presents a great mood very much like the older parasite eve games, but with its new game style. Its a shame that the PSP is slowly closing its doors once the PSP2 (NGP comes out). Its always interesting and inspiring to see companies bring out blockbuster titles during the end of the cycle, but what a true classic, period. While at first impressions I was saying, “they are going to ruin the series with this.” While those words are pretty much wrong in all sense shape or form. Its true the game is short, and yes some might be disappointed by this fact. The replay is in this title due to many unlocks that ourselves sat and unlocked without any cheats and or guides to locate. In closing you might assume the perfect store is out of place for a game such as this. Well while most gaming reviewers can sit around and generically play the same style of FPS over and over, we can sit and locate a game for its game play and recommend it to you as a reader and a buyer of the said product. In high regards we would say buy this game, your life depends on it.


+ Great storyplot

+ Cinematics are crisp and fantastic to watch

+ Controls

+ playability with all the extra unlocks and swag

+ hot skimpy pants, true story

By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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