Borderlands 2

Those of us fortunate enough to own more than one gaming system are faced with a tricky question anytime a multiplatform game is released: which platform should I buy it for? All other things being equal, there are some factors that make that decision much easier — heavily discounted prices or serious technical issues, like those plaguing the PlayStation 3 version of Skyrim, can help to rule out certain versions. Continuing that example, you’re still left to weigh a list of pros and cons if you own both a PC and Xbox 360. As I continue to debate which platform to to pick Borderlands 2 up for next month, I turned to the 1UP community to see how they deal with this enviable, first-world problem.

“I usually purchase the PS3 version of multiplatform titles, and it’s honestly almost entirely down to growing up with a PlayStation and mentally associating it with playing the sort of games I enjoy,” said 1UP board member ezrabinirib. “The only reason I sometimes purchase the 360 version of a game is if it uses the triggers for a large part of the gameplay (GTA IV, FIFA, most FPS games) because I hate using the L2/R2 buttons on the PS3 controller. It always feels like I’m breaking something.”

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