This, from the previously canceled version of Doom 4, looks like it was in-game. There are references to art titled ‘before hell wave’, which I’m guessing is that bad looking red thing on the way.

The trailer, and previously leaked shots, tie into the idea that hell had unleashed Doom’s creatures on Earth. More specifically, New York according to some art asset names.

There was talk of this earlier Doom 4 being more cinematic, as shown by this group of almost Terminator-style resistance fighters.

The earlier version of Doom 4 featured a much more generic take on the world thanks to its real world settings.

Pay attention to this guy who appears in the new leaked 2012 Doom video, because…

…here he is in the art that previously leaked in 2012. He appears to be named Ancira, according to the image file names.

This character can also be seen in the new footage. This is another image from the 2012 Doom 4 leak. He’s apparently called Augustus.

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