VIDEO: Fire Emblem: Awakening Hands-On
We’d love to have a review of Fire Emblem: Awakening ready for you, but the game’s length, depth, and punishing…
News, Reviews, and all things Gaming!
We’d love to have a review of Fire Emblem: Awakening ready for you, but the game’s length, depth, and punishing…
This week, Games, Dammit! takes a break from talking strictly about video games to bring you a one-of-a-kind discussion about…
One of the first things that come to mind when you think back about Final Fantasy VII are the amazing…
After a special showing at the Metal Gear 25th Anniversary event in Japan, we could’t wait to see Metal Gear…
You’ll find all four 1UP editors at many places during this year’s PAX — in fact, we’ve assembled a handy…