Steam Summer Camp sale

Prepare to be completely broke very soon: Steam has kicked off the Summer Camp Sale, which runs from now through July 10. There will be not only daily deals on individual games and bundles, but for the length of the sale you can get complete publisher packs at a heavy discount, such as all of Telltale or Valve’s games (including Portal 2) for $49.99 each. The catalogs of more than a dozen companies are also 25% off or more, giving you a good chance to pick up just about anything you want on Steam for cheap.

Today’s daily deals include The Witcher 2 for $33.49 (33% off), Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition for $7.50 (75% off), Back to the Future: The Game for $12.49 (50% off), The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for $6.80 (66% off), Recettear for $5.00 (75% off), and more.

Besides the deals themselves, Valve is offering some additional encouragement to either play the games you already have or pick up some that you don’t. Each day of the sale will have a list of “camp activities” to do; in other words, you’re tasked with earning specific Achievements (if you haven’t already) in select games. By doing this, you’ll earn a prize ticket that can be cashed in for downloadable content for select games. Additionally, each prize ticket earned will enter you for a chance to be one of 100 people who will win the top ten games on their Steam wishlist.

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