Hey friends!

pseudopseudo here, the friendly Editor-In-Chief of the very site you’re spending your time on right now. (And for that, we thank you!)

I just wanted to throw a post out there letting you know how we’re doing, and some things you can expect in the new year.

WouldYouKindly.com is in a good place right now.  Cool part is, things are only going to get better. First and foremost, we’re in the middle of a facelift. We’re trying to get things more streamlined and better looking. We want you to be able to quickly find the stories and media that you want to see, and we want the site to look so good that you don’t mind leaving it on your monitor for a minute or two. These changes are continual, but don’t be alarmed if you check in one day and find things are completely different; once we find a style that we like (and we think you’ll like), we’ll hang on to it for awhile. As always, we’re here for you; so if you have suggestions or feedback, please let us know!

In addition to a new style, we are going to be adding stuff to the site to broaden our scope a bit. There are a couple key things we are going to bring to you this year; expanded eSports coverage, and MORE MEDIA. “Expanded eSports coverage” speaks for itself; the realm of eSports is finally finding some legitimacy within the overall crowd of gamers and non-gamers alike, and we want to make sure that we’ve got any eSports news that you could be looking for. “More media” is just that; more videos, more podcasts… just more EVERYTHING. If you’ve got a podcast you’d like us to add to our network, or you run a series of YouTube reviews, walkthroughs, or editorials, get in touch with us! (You can find my and other staff members’ emails on the Staff page.) We’ll take everything into consideration, and even if we can’t add you to the roster, we’ll provide you with constructive criticism and valuable feedback.

The thing we could use the most? Writers. If you’re passionate about writing, love video games, and don’t mind cranking out an article or two a day, please get in contact with us! Unfortunately, we can’t compensate our writers at this time; but as the site grows, making sure our writers are taken care of is one of our top priorities.

All in all, I expect 2012 to be a big year for WouldYouKindly, and I’m excited to see where each new day takes us. Thanks for coming along with us for the ride; we appreciate each and every one of you!


Justin “pseudopseudo” Heeren
EIC, WouldYouKindly.com
[email protected]

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