At the beginning of winter, a closed beta for the sequel to Warhawk started. Basic game mechanics that had glitches or problems were fixed and a public beta was on the way. Next Tuesday January 17th, the public beta begins. All Playstation Network users won’t have access to it because Playstation Plus owners have a thirty-five day limited access first, before the beta goes officially public on the 21st of February. For other ways to gain access to the beta, read the official blog post. (We’ll try to get our hands on a few codes to give out to you all!)

According to the Playstation Blog, the beta will be testing game balance, servers & other game bugs; plus it’s always good to tease the public with a new game. The games press got their hands on the game last year and had some very promising things to say about it. You can watch the video below:

Source – Playstation Blog

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