Ever since Shadows of the Empire, Hoth levels have always been the best. Looks like Battlefront will keep that going.

Speeder bikes are great for hair-raising chases, and also for slamming into trees.

Darth Vader is looking rather polished for his return to ground combat.

It makes you wonder what on Tatooine could possibly be worth all this fighting.

It’s good to see that the Rebel Alliance’s species diversity is being represented.

Looks like that AT-ST is none too pleased about whatever those rebels are doing.

The familiar forest moon is looking fine.

Here’s the final look at in in-game Stormtrooper which EA had been teasing out in bits on its Instagram account.

@bravoINTEL are at the Star Wars celebration already and tweeting out pictures of game art.

Another piece of Star Wars Battlefront art via @bravoINTEL

This is an interesting shot from EA’s Peter Moore. He tweeted it then quickly deleted it. Possibly because that’s an as yet unrevealed ship behind him. It looks like an EA montage poster – is that Faith from Mirrors Edge’s leg up top and a Burnout/Need For Speed car below?

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