So a few months ago before the PSN went down, wait, its only been 2 weeks hasn’t it?, oh well it feels like months.
Anyway, so I was looking through the range of games available..Trying to find something other than the usual first person shooters and racing games, something original, something different, that was when I stumbled onto Joe danger,the demo, and I tell you what, that was enough to suck me in and buy the whole game and ill tell u why.

Months earlier, I was on steam and I found a game called Trails 2 HD.. and its a side scrolling games that lets you progress from the left to the right going over jumps and doing some pretty amazing tricks but also requiring you to land just right. It was a very fun game, but it had one drawback,, It didn’t have the fast paced action that a game like that needed,, and although I enjoyed it,, I kept thinking ,, oh,, this could be better if they did this,, or this could be better if they did that,, so u can imagine my surprise then i found Joe Danger,, it had a fan fast paced feel like little big planet,, but also with the sense of difficulty that trails 2 had,,so for me I was happy as a pig in shit, I couldn’t believe they had made a game that took the best of both worlds and executed it so smoothly.

I haven’t really explained the game well have I?  I mean the best way to imagine it is to think way back to the NES classic Exitebike. Now plug in some little big planet graphics, then a touch of Trails HD for some flavor and volla.. you have your self a nice big plate of Joe Danger.

Now just because the game is small in size doesn’t mean there isn’t heaps to do. Each level sets a number of challenges, like collecting all the stars or creating a trick combo that begins at the start of the level and doesn’t finish till you get to the end. there’s online leader boards, hidden secrets and plenty of other stuff that will keep you going back to re do the levels over and over. and the stunts to you keep the game fun and definitely keep your fingers busy making sure u not only get a mad high score but land the bike safely and be ready for the next trick.

OK but I do have some picking to do,, this game isn’t perfect and there’s one thing that gets on my nerves,,
and that’s when you get to the lane switches,, these are big green track switches that lets u move up to a higher lane or  to a lower lane. when you zip zooming through the place and u run into the lane switches not only does it kill your combo but it just throws your mojo right out the door.. so yeah if there was a sequel or an update even,, id like to see that fixed to where i can manually switch lanes myself maybe using the d pad perhaps..

Overall its a really fun game, and although Ive done my fair share of rage quitting, I still seem to go back to it when I cant be stuffed getting off the couch to change disc or if im looking for a fun two player affair.

If I can give it a score id like to use the old mean machine Sega format.

Graphics: Bright and colorful, looks like what id imagine a Wii HD game to look like: 93

Sound: Fun simple music, right down to that music that plays when you have selected the game on your

Xross-Media-Bar. Love that little elevator tune: 88

Playability: Learning curve can get a bit steep as you get further into it. But its great you can go back through the old levels and improve your score while also getting better at the game: 92

Lastabillity: Well its right there on your PS3, so as long as you dont delete it you will probley find yourself going back to it a lot. But in the end it still is just a little game: 77

Value For Money: I’ll tell ya, dont even bother with the demo, its not that much to make the game into the full version and you wont regret it aye: 94

Overall: A stylish fun cute game, maybe even a classic. Would of blown your mind had it been a ps2 release.

Thanks for reading.

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