
Kalypso Media Digital

Developer: Digital Reality

Platform: PS3, XB360, PC (Steam)

Price: $ 9.99


Gladiator Pack: $ 2.99

Extreme Fighters Premium airplane pack: $1.49

Genre: Racing

Release Dates: Out now!

When presented a game in today’s market you are given that sense of “ I seen this game play before”. Games such as Mario kart and many cartoonish racers seen our eyes across many platforms. However only a few can really say they are simple, fun and addicting. Keeping to easy concept you are given multiable tracks, in which allowing you to access a ton of different airplanes. Did I forget to mention, this is a jet-planes rush of kart racing. The style is bright, shiny, and a delight to glance at while flying with in and out of each track. Here is my key points on behalf of the game.

Great Track Design +

With over 33+ Events to be had spanning across even the islands of Hawaii. All showing off challenge and requiring skill to dodge, and perform special tricks to score bigger points. Easy to understand and master each track after a few fly through sessions.

Invisible barriers on tracks –

I can understand limits so where you can fly and all of the sorts, however where most spots you assume are free range to fly, become your trip to the last in the line.

Over all appeal+

If you are a true fan of Kart style racing and enjoying making a joke out of your friends on the tracks, this game offers that replay

A honorable mention to the DLC +

With two planes and a extra mode, offering flavor to the already exciting and fun gameplay. I will mention first off the Extreme Fighters Premium airplane pack. After playing a few online games with the Triwing Vintage, is a steady plane to fly. Allowing awesome control it is one of those type of planes if used correctly, can win you every race surely, I discovered with it alone I was giving allot of players online rage-quit fits due to my accuracy was dead on. By far my top recommended plane out of the two. However lets not rule out the Sparrow XI. While playing in the singleplayer, this allowed me a edge on AI as I was able to gore past them with huge speed. For experienced pilots only might I add. As it is low on Accuracy in its top speeds, it required me allot of practice to get used to it, however it is a beauty to be had. The online mode added Gladiator Pack, discussing this to sum it up. Think Team Death match from Call of Duty, add the fun of Mario Kart, nuff’ said. Adding 6 maps to the mess, expect to get dirty.

Closing thoughts:

This game overs allot to a simple formal introduction that is called Kart racing. Providing rich and great visuals. A game of this price range and over lasting appeal is great for the consumers dollar. With plenty of updates and DLC to come I can see this game flying into many gamers hearts as a gem of kicked up Racing games. While that noted, the game also has some minor problems, as mentioned. While I understand there has to be limits to where you go. I was hoping for more leg room while curving out certain ideas. The power ups such as lock on rockets and EMP style landmines are a nice touch. The Plane design are fantastic and are all great to control.

In conclusion, this game is a great product offering allot of honest, simple, fun and addivting gameplay via online or single player. However I highly suggest online due to sometimes the AI has that legendary sling shot effect.


By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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