Developer: Reverge Labs

Publisher(s) , Konami, Autumn Games

Genre: Fighting

Price: $14.99

Platforms: PS3, Xbox360, PC (coming soon)

“Legend tells of a mysterious artifact known as the “Skull Heart” that has the power to grant a young woman’s wishes. Of course, there’s a catch. If she has an impure heart, even a selfless wish will be twisted in the most vile of ways: peace brought through brutality, eternal life through perpetual childhood, or a lost love returned as an undead monster. Hundreds have sought the Skull Heart, but so far none have been deemed worthy and spared its cruel power. Those judged impure are transformed into the fearful instrument of their twisted wish… a pale and lovely tempest, a beautiful nightmare – the Skullgirl!” – Skullgirls website

In the world of many 3d fighters you are told many things on how to make a fighting game. Keep it flashy, fast, solid in controls. With Skull girls, you are given all of those in this small package of robust content. With a noticeable cast of 8 characters, all female, these cleavage baring fan service anime bombshells will excite your thumbs, and frustrate you. You are provided with a semi short storyline, which of course is only there needed to explain faintly what each character wants out of this unknown and mysterious Skull Girl (a cute as nails necromancer girl). The whole plan of the game is simply put, build a game that is comic bookish(, provides allot of strategy. As cartoons go, you never take it truly that serious. The cast of toons you are given all have a theme and all have there tactics and play styles, that would appeal to just about all of the masses of hardcore Fighter gamers. From Autumn Games and Reverge Labs, Skullgirls uses advanced graphical technology to feature the unique art of Alex Ahad, whose work has appeared in Lava Punch, UDON’s Tribute books, and Scott Pilgrim; in collaboration with renowned tournament champion Mike “Mike Z” Zaimont.


The tame part of this game is the sights. All what looks like hand drawn and simply designed to the point it does not hurt the eyes to glance at this game once. The presentation is all set up like your watching a classic film, such as like in the thirties or the forties. With bright blinking lights and a retro like announcer introducing rounds and provoking you on if you lose a round or the match. As said from most fighters it boasts from your online match setups, and single player modes, such as story, and training. Again all this is from all fighters of today. But does it work? Online though having slight issues from time to time does connect. I and one random perhaps 13 year old slam down bashing random buttons in hopes to be the victor. Most to the degree, mostly smooth, then the occasional hick up.

The characters as much as you know, are all female. Offering gimmicks such as a Ninja Nurse named Valentine. A Cat girl thief named Ms. Fortune. As most of the categories are filled with many male and many perverted male desires, the game is somewhat clean, and also appeals to the uni-sex of gamers. The main reason I do mention this as most girls would look at this game once, think its just a bit of fan service and thats all. Ignoring, that the game is truly a well rounded and fun fighter. As said the character design is fun, with characters like Peacock who is pretty much a cartoon, offering humorous and slapstick humor, from movies such as Who framed Roger rabbit. Why would I mention that movie in this review? Well How the movie was done, a bit more mature then your simple mickey mouse of yester – year. Makes sense now? Overall, the characters all feel original, animation is super fluid,and sharp to look at.

Move sets are well, featured on there website here. Why did I share this, well aside from the tutorial, there is no pause section where you can look up certain combinations to learn Special moves and Blockbusters, so therefore, turn on your printer, print out these, place them out on your coffee table, and have fun.

Special moves are well, as they are named, do some decent damage, and tactically ether juggle a player, or finish them off. With Blockbusters, You Destroy them. With the right button combos, you can perform each of the said moves, and well ruin a eight year olds day. As mentioned before hand, the controls are tight, so I did manage once or twice to land peacocks Blockbuster. With that, all of attacks are flashy, and are illustrated impressively along with the whole game.


Closing Thoughts:

As I stroked the ego of the balanced fighters mane, this cat still has some health problems I would like to mention. As these are treatable, they are still something of dire repair. The Online service. As clued before hand it works good one minute and goes bozo crazy. I ask other friends or those with the same game, and they encounter the same problem. On the Xbox360 copy it is hopefully a first weeks seasonal flu the game has encountered. Next is the lack of characters. I understand they will be adding more DLC characters(the hint by the ton of naked boxes on the character selection screen). With those few flaws, it does hold up as a strong game. For a low price of 15 dollars. This game is apart of the future of Fighter games, enjoy it, or move along.



By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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