Publisher/Distributor(s): Devolver Digital

Developer: Croteam

Platform: PS3(Coming Soon), XB360(Coming Soon), PC (Steam)

Price: $ 39.99 – $49.99


Serious Sam 3: BFE is a glorious throwback to the golden age of first-person shooters where men were men, cover was for amateurs and pulling the trigger made things go boom. Serving as a prequel to the original indie sensation, Serious Sam: The First Encounter, Serious Sam 3 takes place during the Earth’s final struggle against Mental’s invading legions of beasts and mercenaries. Set against the collapsing temples of an ancient civilization and the crumbling cities of 22nd century Egypt, Serious Sam 3 is an exhilarating fusion of classic twitch shooters and modern game play features.

NO COVER. ALL MAN.” – Steam Store Page


Serious Sam 1
This is a scene from Serious Sam 1

Once app-on a time, Twitch shooters were never about the super high production quality, they were about the addicting fun and straight forward game play. Times change and people have more advanced tastes in there first person shooters. Serious Sam 3: BFE as the fresh attempt to please classic and new generation gamers, does hit a soft spot for the valve of what we know as serious “Twitch Shooting” goodness! The price for the game expresses its self valve and at the same time does not over charge you for the experience. Croteam is mostly known for there Serious Sam series. A classic PC and multi-console hit. While it was never truly received by most, it made a great statement that allot of classic shooter fans could relate and enjoy. Today Serious Sam 3, feels fresh to us. Mixing some elements that are useful to the style of game play. Such as aiming down the sights of rifles and handguns.

The game is based off of a sort of gauntlet style combat where hordes of enemies all coming for you. Ether firing at you with rockets, and or charging at you with its shoulders. With a large assortment of enemies such as one eyed “pinky clones”, as well as Headless suicide bombers. Boss battles flow into a sort of epic scale when that heavy rift from the band: “Damjan Mravunac ” comes blaring on the speakers named “Hero”, bringing you into that tea-bagging mood. The game offers a decent length of game play single player and rolls out with a good multiplayer experience however, sometimes the experience can be hindered by the short comings of someone elses internet connection. Lets roll into the footnotes of this review.

Great Fast paced combat +

Combined with some witty one liners. The game flows like older games of a Serious time in Gaming. You know, the time where games did not feel overly generic and linearly straight path-ed. The main core point of this game is the overly challenging odds. Which can be compared (if a cod fanboy reads this) to the Veteran difficulty. I always love it when a game tests me. If I can run through a game from start to finish without trying. I feel short changed and disappointed. Forking out money for something I expect a game to keep me drawn in for more then 4 hours.


The game sticks it to Piracy +

Over here at the common sense of the world of gaming, we enjoy the fact that if we pay for a product it will allow the publisher to know “hey people are buying this, lets keep making them. A glance over at the Witcher 2 1:5 ratio in sales it was disappointing that the company worked hard to please the fans on behalf of DRM and get rim jobbed as such. However the folks over at Croteam decided to stick it to pirates, with a funny enforcer that we did not want to forget to mention to the bright humor of the company. For those who do not know, with a bootleg copy, you are given a tiny pink indestructible scorpion creature that instantly kicks your ass faster then a football player fan in the United Kingdom.

Great humor +

Nuff’ Said.

Network play +

While stated due to the huge mass of characters and monsters all on at once can be overwhelming. We understand the slow behavior, it still can not rule out frustration in the terms. Past that, you are given two opinions of Co-op and Versus. Co-op grants you access to levels you already completed to ones you never touched it, progressing through the story mode with allot of folks. Vs mode is well, your run with Team deathmatch, Deathmatch., and a mode that allows you to get a higher score then the other team by ether killing them, or the monsters that spawn.

In Closing:

With plenty to fill in that vold of boredom. The game offers plenty for everyone, new and old. With a killer sound track, great visuals, and super fun game play. While the controls at first were weird on our gamepads. We handled them there after and found them fine. With interesting mention, Melee actions were weird to us, instantly at the enemy and being able to do a killing blow, we pondered our inner Chuck Norris. Over all we give the game.







By DanVanDam

Founder/ Worth Your Universe Creator/Presenter Dan is a Classic Gamer, as well as a Indie game lover. He plays mostly Retro/indie games on Twitch(DanVanDam). You can catch him daily there.

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