Saving the World, One HYPERGUN at a Time

By: GeekyGamerGirl87

Developer: NVYVE Studios
Publisher: NVYVE Studios
Genre: FPS Action Rogue-Lite
Release Date: August 23, 2018
Platforms: PC                                              
Price: $14.99
Where to buy: Steam

Developed and published by NVYVE Studios, HyperGun is a new FPS Action game that has the feel of a dungeon crawler to it. I was originally drawn to the game because of the colors, and even the music was great. The game does look amazing and the game is okay, but there are some things that do stop the game from being a great game. Before  I go into my review, I would like to take this time to thank NVYVE Studios for providing me with a free code for the game. Due to their kindness, I can review the game.

The story for HyperGun is you are playing as an Intern name Dewey Owens; who is running through a simulation that has been built by DevTech Labs to create the HyperGun. The hyper gun is supposed to help saved the world from the aliens that are currently overtaking it. At least that’s what I manage to gather from NVYVE Studios website. This is only because the game itself doesn’t exactly go over the story very well. It touched upon it but doesn’t go into deep details about it. Just you are going into a simulation to build the Hypergun. The story sounds good, but, you yourself never go to save the world. You just ultimately fight hoards and hoards of enemies while adding new attachments to the gun. You do this by moving from room to room, much like a dungeon crawler.

The game offers two different currency that you can collect. You collect bits to spend during the simulation in the simulation’s store. The other currency you get are  hyper coins that you can spend in the store outside of the simulation. You use hyper coins  to purchase more attachments and upgrades for the hyper gun as well as purchasing a new class set of skills. The game has four characters you can play as who all have their own sets of skills. Again, you start off as Dewey Owens the intern who uses a SMG. From there you can play as Dirk Smith – The security guard whose main weapon is a Rifle. Gilligan Gold – the lawyer  whose main weapon is the shot gun. Then there is Sue Sharp – from human resources who uses a sniper. I must admit that it seems odd about the character choices, because except for Dirk; I have a hard time seeing  the other three running around shooting guns and killing aliens. Another thing is the price of hyper coin each of the character costs, which is fifty hyper coins.

Now I don’t have an issue with collecting currency to purchase the items and I don’t mind grinding. My only issue is that it takes awhile to collect both the hyper coins or the bits. You get bits upon killing the aliens and they may also sometimes drop hyper coins. I played the game for a good hour and a half and only two hyper coins dropped. So , it’s doable but it’s just going to take quite a while to get the hyper coins, unless you get more hyper coins when you complete the level.  So, I wish there was a way to know how the hyper coins dropped. You get bits a little more often from the enemies, but again they can only be used inside of the simulation’s store and the only thing that is available in its store looks to be health. So, I would have liked if there were other items to purchase. I’m not saying the attachments should be in the store because ideally, I like the idea of using the hyper coins to purchase the weapons upgrades. Although, the upgrades were said to populate more often, again they have dropped from enemies but that’s the only time I have gotten them and when first starting the level. Another thing is when you die the gun doesn’t have the same attachment always. Sometimes you will get another starting attachment, but for the most part I kept getting the same starting attachment. Therefore, more randomness of the attachments would be lovely.  Also exiting out of the game takes any of the attachments you gather from the level away. I haven’t been able to get enough  hyper coins to see if buying them makes them permanent.


This leads me to my next thing with the game, the enemies are a little tough and are not like your typical artificial intelligence. Beware not to get trapped in any corners because if you do, there is a chance you are not going to get out of the corner. There is no melee attack to sort of get the enemy to back off either, so once in a corner you can pretty much say it’s going to be certain death. If you manage to avoid the corners be weary of the sniper who are even more over powered and harder to kill due to the shield that they have. I’m not saying that they need to get rid of the shield for the snipers, but I think if I managed to destroy a shield they shouldn’t be able to respawn another one and although you do have the opportunity of getting a shield yourself, it very seldom that it drops for you to get one.

I will say that graphically I am still in love with the game. It looks great rather you play it on the higher resolution or the lower resolution and I really like that it still looks good no matter what. I also do love the music as well for the game. I like how in the beginning  it starts off with elevator music and then switches over to the techno synth style music. It really gets you pumped for the game, but the game does become repetitive because you are moving  from room to room killing aliens until you move to another room and do the same thing. Due to the difficulty of some of the enemies I have been unable to move on from level  one.

When it comes to the controls for the game you can play with controller or keyboard/mouse.  I preferred playing this with keyboard/mouse only because even after making the adjustments to the controller, it felt a bit stiff to me. The keyboard/mouse had a better flow to it and I found myself wanting to play the game more, due to playing with keyboard and mouse.

There is a total of twenty-eight different achievements in the game that you can collect. Some are rather easy to  collect, and others will be a little more difficult to collect. There are no trading cards included for the game yet, but they could be coming later. Another thing I would love to see added would be  a leaderboard, because you are going through hoards and hoards of enemies, it would be interesting to see how you fair up against other players. There could be an overall leaderboard and then a leaderboard for each character. Just to give the game some more replay value.

Overall, HyperGun is a pretty okay game if it just weren’t so rinse and repeat. I still do enjoy the game just wish some of these changes where implemented so that it could become a great game. If you would like to try HyperGun for yourself, you can do so by purchasing the game on Steam for the lovely price of $14.99 USD.

For those who are interested in seeing game play of HyperGun. I have included my video gameplay of the game. The video has no voiceover because I have written the review for the game. It should also be known at the time of this video there was a Preview for the game that said it would also be available on XB1 and PS4. However, upon looking up that information there was no indication of it being available on each of the consoles websites. I am hoping that it will later be added to consoles.


By Ready Sets Gaming

Ready Sets Gaming is a variety streamer on Twitch with a love and passion for indie games. She has been gaming for 30+ years; and feels that a lot of indie games go back to the games that she grew up with and aren't afraid to think outside of the box to make a game. It is because of this thought process that she prefers to play a majority of indie titles, but still likes to play Triple-A titles and Retro games too. She enjoys searching through platform and looking for games that are stream friendly, and then playing them on stream to get them the exposure they may not be getting. Some of her favorite game genres include Platformers, Puzzlers, Role-Playing and she's recently developed a loved for Shmups.

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